Chapter 17

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Any progress?

Karlie just got a text from Selena with a question the brunette asked every day. The girls had been texting a lot, but it wasn't all about Taylor. They actually have a lot in common and get along really well. They use each other as a distraction, so they won't have to think about all of the grief that's surrounded them for days.

Not yet. She's eating, but she hasn't left the room.

Ever since Karlie first left a plate with some food outside of the guestroom, she'd always find an empty plate hours later when she checked on the blonde again. She still talks to Taylor since she knows the blond will listen to her, even if she doesn't leave her safe haven just yet. Not once did Karlie beg Taylor to open the door or try to force the door open. Taylor needs to face Karlie when she's ready.

Oh Taylor. I desperately hope she opens the door soon. This can't be good.

It sure as hell isn't good. Closing yourself off isn't good, but I know what it's like. I do that too when I'm in a bad place and it's hard to open up to people.

I know, I just wish it was different.

Me too.

A mutual understanding passes through the girls and neither say something for a few minutes. The both of them wish Taylor would open up to them. All they want to do is help, why can't Taylor see that?

Anyway, remember what I told you about Justin?

Taylor is Selena's go to person for advice and since she isn't available right now Selena choose to confide in Karlie. Not that Karlie minds, she likes talking to the singer and it helps take her mind off of things. Also, becoming friends with Taylor's bestie could never be a bad thing.

Yeah, he wanted to meet up and you didn't know how to feel about it. What about it?

He came over. Yesterday. He was so nice and considerate. The first thing he said was 'how is Taylor?'

That is really nice, but how do you feel about meeting up with him?

Distracting themselves from the issue that is Taylor, the girls keep talking about Selena's love life. She's thinking about giving Justin another chance, but deep down Selena knows she won't start anything without Taylor's approval. As much as she loves Karlie, she just isn't her best friend.

At ten, Karlie decides to call it a night. Passing the room Taylor's in, she pauses and casts a longing look at the door. Oh how much she wishes Taylor would just open the door right now and jump into her arms. She knows it won't happen though and she continues her journey towards the bedroom she calls her own now.

The guestroom she's staying in is basic, but special at the same time. Taylor, and Harry at that, had really put a lot of effort into designing the interior of the house. They had thought about literally everything. She had her own luxurious bathroom, with a shower and a bath. Her bedroom had a king-sized bed and was decorated with various things, ranging from books to paintings. The brunette had asked Cara if she could bring some clothes, which she had agreed to immediately, so the closet was filled with Karlie's outfits. The bed was one of the most comfortable beds she'd ever laid on. It was soft and inviting. The pillows supported her head in just the right way and the blankets kept her warm all through the night.

Despite the fact the bed is comfortable, Karlie hasn't had a decent slumber in days. She wakes up at ungodly hours, worrying about Taylor. This causes the model to be tired the whole day and only minutes after her head meets her pillow, she falls into a deep slumber.

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