Chapter 13

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A/N: I'm really sorry beforehand about the amount of Haylor in this chapter. I know you read this for Kaylor, but it's part of the story. The chapter is extra-long so maybe that makes up for it. I hope you don't mind too much and still enjoy reading the chapter :)


Taylor had been sleeping peacefully when suddenly the bed dipped. With groggy eyes she look over her shoulder and was met with her favorite set of green eyes. With a huge grin Harry caressed Taylor's face and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

"I'm home," Harry whispers softly. Realization dawns on Taylor and one of the brightest smiles in history grows on her face.

"You're home," Taylor whispers and touches his face, "you're really home. Oh god, Harry you're home!" Taylor rolls around and wraps her arms around him, holding him as close to her as possible. She's missed this, she's missed him. Their argument is long forgotten and they simply relish the feeling of being together again. Taylor feels light kisses being peppered along the nape of her neck, down to her collarbone. He's gentle as ever, nothing is rushed. After all, they have all the time in the world.

She grabs his face and meet his lips in a passionate kiss. They use the kiss to convey their longing for each other, the happiness and love they feel right this moment. Once their tongues meet they fight for dominance, although Taylor knows she'll lose. They fall into a familiar rhythm, each responding to the other perfectly. It's something you can only have after years of knowing each other, after years of being together and it's a beautiful thing. They know each other the way they know themselves and it's gorgeous, it's something a lot of people spend their entire life searching for but will never find.

Taylor feels Harry's hand slip under her t-shirt and she lets out a quiet hum. She feels her eyelids close because of the fatigue, but she doesn't want to sleep just yet. Harry gently traces her abs and starts nibbling on her collarbone. All of it is done at such a slow and gentle pace that Taylor relaxes completely. She feels her eyelids getting heavier by the minute, but she fights sleep. Harry starts using a bit more teeth and Taylor already knows she'll have some marks tomorrow. The kisses stop soon after and Taylor opens her eyes only to see her husband looking at her with a soft expression on his face.

"Go to sleep Tay," he says softly and rolls Taylor so her back is pressed against his front. "you're tired, we'll continue this tomorrows. Sweet dreams love."

Taylor tries to mumble a response, but doesn't know if she did. Sleep takes over soon and the both of them can't help but feel relieved they're back together once more.


Taylor was up way before Harry and she'd decided she was going to surprise him with a delicious breakfast. She was going to make his favorite pancakes with maple syrup and some baked apples with cinnamon on the side. The singer was in the middle of preparing the pancake batter when her phone started ringing. Without checking who was calling she picked up the phone.

"This is Taylor," the singers said with a slightly annoyed voice.

"Hello Taylor, this is Karlie," the model giggled on the other side.

"Hey," Taylor replied, suddenly a lot more enthusiastic.

"Hi," Karlie laughed, "I just called to ask if you want to meet up today, but you sound like you're busy." Taylor smiled while trying to continue mixing the batter.

"Oh no," Taylor replies, "not that busy. It's just that Harry came back a day early. Isn't he just the sweetest?" Taylor's voice sounds kind of dreamy to Karlie and she can't help but cringe. 'I wish she would talk about me the way she talks about him' Karlie thinks.

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