Chapter 6

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Later that day, the girls sit together on the couch. Karlie sits at one side and Taylor at the other. They're  facing each other and their legs are entangled. Both are sipping from their respective glasses of wine, Karlie's already drinking away her third glass while Taylor's still drinking her first. Karlie had been teasing her endlessly when she found out the reason she took it slow. She thinks it's unbelievably funny Taylor could already be drunk after a few glasses of wine while she was capable of downing shot after shot and not feel a thing. Taylor had tried defending herself but soon found out it was a lost cause. Karlie seemed to be a person who loved to tease and was incredibly stubborn, a deathly combination Taylor could not defeat.

Not once during their time together had there been an awkward silence, somehow they always found something to talk about. Maybe it had to do with the fact they wanted to know everything about each other, the fact it was a relatively new friendship. It seems as if they can make every topic seem interesting, even something as boring as the current gasoline prices. When they're together, they find a way to make everything seem interesting.

"So you call her Dibbles, but it's not her actual name? Her actual name is detective Olivia Benson?" Karlie wore a confused expression on her face. She had become confused when Taylor started calling the white cat Olivia, while she thought the cat was called Dibbles. For the past couple of minutes, Taylor had been trying to explain it to Karlie, but the model hadn't fully grasped it yet.

"Yes, Karlie," Taylor laughed, "I don't see why that's so hard to understand. I mean, just look at her. Her names all, like, Olivia." Taylor changed her tone while saying Olivia and started making weird hand gestures, hoping Karlie would understand. "But her personality is more like, Dibbles." Taylor's voice went an octave lower at the name and she started grinning in a weird way.

Karlie looked at Taylor with amusement. "You know," Karlie chuckled, "I think I might actually understand what you mean now. You have a weird way of explaining things, Swift, but it works."

"I know, I'm awesome," Taylor says while flipping her hair and laughing. A few minutes later, however, Taylor's expression shifted to one of extreme seriousness. "Karlie," she starts, "I've been meaning to ask you something. You know, I consider you my friend already and I just want to make sure you're alright. If you don't want to answer I'm completely fine with it. Really, you won't have to worry about hurting-"

Taylor's rambling is cut short by Karlie. "Taylor, sweetie, stop," Karlie says, "I consider you my friend too, I don't care we've only known each other for a few days. This means you can ask me anything, I won't get mad or anything. So, ask away." Karlie flashes her signature grin at Taylor.

"Uhm, okay," Taylor fidgets nervously, "so, remember how you told me you only came to the bar to drink last Sunday? That you wanted to forget something? I just, I wanted to ask you whether you're alright or not."

Karlie is taken aback by the question, not having expected Taylor to have picked up on that little detail and definitely not expecting her to remember. Even though she is getting over him, Josh is still a sore subject to her. She contemplates whether she should tell Taylor about Josh for a moment, but decides to answer Taylor's question first.

"I'm okay," Karlie says, "I really am. You have actually been helping a lot, despite the fact you don't know about it. Just being around you helps. I'm happy, so I would definitely say I'm alright."

Taylor mentally sighs out of relief, glad Karlie's fine. "I'm really glad, Karlie," Taylor says, "I don't know what I would do if my sunshine wasn't happy, I hated seeing the way you were on Sunday."

"Well," Karlie starts, "just keep doing what you're doing and I should be fine."

"Oh I will," Taylor responses with a small smile, "but Karlie...I just-do you want to talk about it? Bottling everything up isn't a good thing to do and if you want to talk I'm here."

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