Chapter 21

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Karlie has her head hanging out of the window with the wind blowing through her hair. She's taking in the magnificent views while Taylor's driving. The blonde had insisted on driving, not only to relieve Karlie but also for herself. She had realized it had become normal for her to be driven around by someone, only driving herself occasionally, and she wanted to change that. Driving had always felt exhilarating to her. It gave her the sense of control she longed for since the day she became 'the Taylor Swift'. There were only a few things she could still control and while it may sound pathetic, driving did. It also gave her back a bit of the normality she'd given up.

The weather outside is amazing and you can definitely feel the start of summer. The blazing sun is shining down on them, providing them with warmth. The ocean breezes provide them with the sound of the leaves and the trees while sweet tunes are coming from the radio.

Taylor's hands are gripping the wheel tightly and her gaze is fixed on the road. Karlie's hand lays on top of the armrest, hoping Taylor will reach over and grab her hand. Unfortunately, she hadn't done so yet.

Karlie still thinks Taylor needs to be the one to make the first move, especially after the kiss they'd shared. Taylor had been the one to lean in and kiss her, not the other way around, but she still felt upset about it. Karlie gets why and understands Taylor needs to figure out her feelings on her own terms. If Taylor would kiss her now, she'd feel guilty once more and that's not what Karlie wants. She wants Taylor to feel nothing but sheer happiness when they kiss, so she'll wait. She'll wait forever if she has to, as long as her and Taylor get together.

The hand hadn't gone unnoticed to Taylor, quite the opposite actually. She knows Karlie is waiting for her to entwine their hands, but she doesn't know how. She doesn't want the model to get her hopes up, because it might take some time before they kiss again. Taylor wants to gather herself together, completely figure out how to live her life without Harry, before she does. It's best for both of them if they do it that way; no feelings would get hurt.

'You can do it' Taylor thinks to herself. 'It's simply holding hands, you do it with Selena too. It's not a desperate declaration of love. Just reach over and hold her damn hand.' Taylor's hands don't move an inch while her gaze stays fixed on the road before her. She holds in a sigh of frustration, not wanting to alarm Karlie.

Next thing she know, she's staring at one of the billboards that stand beside the highway. Karlie's focused gaze stares down at her while Nike's slogan is written next to her. Just do it. It's ironic, really, but it helps Taylor. 'Fuck it' she thinks and reaches over to entwine their hands. She doesn't avert her gaze from the road because one, she doesn't want to see Karlie's expression because it would make her blush, and two, she doesn't want them to crash.

Karlie's smile stretches from ear to ear while she looks down at their hands. She squeezes the singer's hand as a sigh of comfort and studies Taylor's face. A hint of a smile can be seen and it makes Karlie happy.

"I want you to listen to something," Taylor says breaking the silence.

"Sure. What do you want me to hear?" Karlie turns in her seat to look at Taylor.

Taylor blushes a little and catches Karlie's gaze. "My album."

"Your album... Your new album? You want me to hear your new album?" Karlie's eyes are shining with happiness while Taylor continues to blush some more.

Taylor clears her throat. "Well, only if you want to, of course."

Karlie squeezes Taylor's hand. "Are you crazy? Of course I want to hear it!" Karlie squeals. "I didn't even know you finished it."

"Maybe it's finished, maybe it isn't. Songs might be added later, but these songs are on there. That's for sure."

"Do you already know what it's called?" Karlie asks, leaning even closer to Taylor.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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