Chapter 9

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Harry and Taylor are currently cuddled up on the couch watching Grey's Anatomy. Harry had been extremely tired because of his show the night before so they decided to have day filled with nothing. Well, nothing except for the visit from Harry's family and Taylor's departure from London, something she both dreads and can't wait for. 

"What time are they getting here again?" Taylor asks while looking over her shoulder and into Harry's eyes.

"Stop worrying, love," Harry chuckles, "they're getting here around 2 o'clock, which means we still have an hour and a half to get ready."

"Right," Taylor says while playing with Harry's fingers.

"Relax, Tay," Harry says soothingly, grabbing Taylor's hand in his own, "they already love you, you don't need to impress them. They'd still be okay with you if you were to be dressed in sweatpants and binge-watching your favorite show. There's no need to worry." He strokes Taylor's hair lovingly, finally feeling the girl loosen up.

"You're right," Taylor says, "I don't know why I still get nervous, it's just-" Taylor is interrupted by a thump coming from their right. Looking over they see Olivia lying on her side, once again. Somehow that cat still manages to walk straight into walls, no matter how many times it has happened before.

"Oh Olivia," Taylor giggles, amused look etched on her face.

"That cat is going to kill herself one day, I'm telling you," Harry chuckles, "Dibbles probably needs the 24/7 protection more than you do."

"Yeah," Taylor says with a smile, "she has such a special personality. Really though, what cat walks into walls and eats flower-patterned wallpaper? She's so special she kind of deserves her own television show or at least her own song. Who knows, maybe I'll write her one." Harry starts laughing, but soon stops once he sees the look on Taylor's face.

"You're actually serious about this?" Harry asks disbelievingly and raising an eyebrow, "you want to write a song, for your cat? Sorry to say it to you, but that will make you the ultimate cat lady." 

"So what if I want to write a song for her?" Taylor raises her voice, slightly offended, "she's a living creature with feelings, so why doesn't she deserve a song? You can get attached to her, you can have fun with her and she's a great listener. Oh yeah and she also fills a void when you're gone, again." Taylor snaps at Harry, finally releasing the frustration that's been building inside of her for months.

"You know why I have to be gone!" Harry exclaims, "do you think I like it? Well, I don't. I want to be with my wife all the time, but I can't and it freaking sucks. Also, it doesn't help that every bit of free time you have, you're talking with that skinny ass model!"

"She has a name!" Taylor practically shouts, quick to defend her new friend, "it's Karlie and she has absolutely nothing to do with this. Can't you just be happy I made a new friend with whom I enjoy myself while you're having the time of your life on tour? I was so sad when you left and Karlie managed to cheer me up. Why are you not happy about that?"

"I am happy that you're happy!" Harry exclaims, "I just, I feel like you never call because you're always with her."

"I never call," Taylor starts, "because whenever I do I get the response 'Taylor I'm busy' or the response 'I'm tired, let's talk tomorrow'. You never go out of your way to talk to me, you only want to talk when it's convenient for you! You're selfish, Harry, you're..." Taylor trails of and feels tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"I'm not-" Harry stops once he sees the state Taylor's in. He lowers his voice, realizing she might actually be right, "I have been acting selfishly, haven't I? Love, I never meant to do that." He pulls Taylor in for a hug and that's when she breaks.

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