Chapter 8

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A/N: In this chapter there isn't a lot of Kaylor, but more of Haylor. Please bear with me though, It's needed for the plot. Also another thing:

Slightly mature content

Hope you'll like it :)


Taylor exits the plane, having just landed in Heathrow airport. She's hit with a cold blast and hugs her coat closer to her. She mentally face palms herself for not dressing appropriately for the London weather, for some reason she thought it was a good idea to wear a simple black dress to just above the knees. Needless to say, not a good idea.

Her security promised to take the cats with them, leaving the singer in charge of her luggage. Taylor practically runs inside once she has her baggage and soon finds herself engulfed by warmth. The airport, except for Taylor's terminal considering it's for private jets only, is still buzzing with people. It's already half past ten in the evening, but that doesn't stop the constant flow of people in and out of the airport.

The singer really loves airports, everyone has somewhere to be. It's like you're part of something bigger. The airport, to Taylor, symbolizes new beginnings and long awaited endings, departures and arrivals, hellos and goodbyes. You start in one city and end in another somewhere across the globe, giving you new opportunities. Still, there's always a nice and a sad part about it. When you leave a place, you're for sure leaving something you hold dear. This hurts no matter how hard you try to focus on the fact you're going to discover many other things.

This is the exact reason why Taylor was feeling conflicted. She wants to see Harry, she missed him so much the past few weeks it's crazy. In the meantime however, the blond hadn't wanted to leave New York because of the new and amazing friendship she has Karlie. She'd spend so much of her time with the model the past week, she already misses the girl. She knows she should be ecstatic because she's seeing her husband for the first time in weeks, but still there's a sadness that came along with leaving her newfound best friend.

Completely consumed by her thoughts, Taylor keeps on walking towards the exit. She rounds a corner and is suddenly snapped out of her thoughts by a set of familiar voices.

"Welcome to London, Taylor," the boys of One Direction scream, Harry the loudest.

Taylor looks up into Harry's eyes and smiles. A feeling of pure happiness comes over her once she sees Harry. She hadn't suspected him to be here, considering the boys had a show this evening. Her husband opens his arms and Taylor runs into them, hugging him tightly. The rest of the boys decide to give the two a little time alone and make themselves useful by gathering the luggage Taylor had carelessly thrown to the floor.

"I got you a little something," Harry huskily whispers in Taylor's ear. He slowly breaks the embrace and raises his arm. In his hand he hold a small teddy bear holding a heart which says 'I love you'. It's simple, but it causes Taylor to gush over it anyway. She likes the small things Harry does; she doesn't need big, extravagant gestures, she just needs love.

Taylor takes the teddy bear from Harry and speaks. "Thank you," she says sweetly and pulls him in for a kiss. It doesn't last long though, considering they're in public. "I missed you," Taylor admits.

"I missed you too, love," Harry admits, "more than you know."

"You love birds ready to go?" Louis practically shouts, "I'm hungry and sleepy and I want to go home. Why are you keeping me away from my bed?"

"Lou, what are you talking about?" Harry laughs, "I said you guys didn't have to come, but you insisted on coming saying you needed 'Taylor-time'."

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