Chapter 12

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"So," Selena starts, "did you have fun yesterday? You know, when you left me all alone like you did with Meredith after you got Olivia."

Taylor rolls her eyes, wondering just how many times she'd heard that today. "For the last time," Taylor sighs, "I didn't leave Meredith to fend for herself, she became a bitch to me and to answer your question, I had a lot of fun."

Selena raises and eyebrow. "Then how'd you get that?" she points towards Taylor's bandaged hand, "did you enjoy that? Kind of kinky, but whatever rocks your boat I guess. Just make sure the paparazzi doesn't find out, I can already see the headlines. 'Taylor Swift into kinky-"

"Would you stop?" Taylor laughs, "and no, I didn't like it. It hurt a lot, but since I was the one who did it I guess I can't complain. Karlie was the sweetest though, she immediately became concerned and started taking care of the wound. She's honestly the most selfless person I've ever met."

"I'm glad you have her," Selena admits, "I'm across the country most of the time leaving you with no one when Harry's gone. Now that you have Karlie that problem is fixed. Anyway, did you do any other kinky things over there?"

"Please stop," Taylor says while blushing a little, "we played scrabble and I found out she's one of the sorest losers ever. She literally threw the tiles everywhere and accused me of cheating. I also met her best friend, Jourdan, which was nice. She's a really kind person and we got along really well. I'm really glad she likes me, if Karlie's best friend didn't like me I wouldn't know what to do." Taylor giggles slightly.

"But Taylor," Selena starts, "you have cheated quite a lot. You are a really sore loser as well. Do I need to remind you of the time we played monopoly together? Are you really sure you didn't cheat?"

"What?" Taylor exclaims, "that was the only thing you picked up out of all of that? And why does everyone think I cheat. I'm smart, I can win a game like scrabble fairly, I don't need to cheat to do that."

"Yeah, you're the smartest girl ever Tay," Selena rolls her eyes, "you're just not good at scrabble, I don't buy your story."

"But I didn't cheat!" Taylor basically screams, "why does nobody believe that? I'm a songwriter meaning I have a great vocabulary, so why does nobody think I can win a game of scrabble?"

"Because you're also a cheater," Selena shrugs, "anyway, care to help me pack my bags? I need to leave in an hour."

Taylor agrees and the girls pack up Selena's stuff. Taylor's sad to see her bestie go, but can't help but feel happy she'll have the house to herself once more. Additionally, Selena leaving means it's yet another day closer to the day Harry will come back. She does miss her husband, she really does, even though they had an argument before they left. An argument Taylor thinks they'll have again because Harry didn't keep his promise. In the beginning he did, they'd talked every day, but after a few weeks they fell back into old habits. Taylor tried to start a conversation almost every day, but to no avail.

Selena had been observing Taylor while packing her stuff and saw that whatever was going on in the blonde's mind wasn't a good thing. She wrapped her arms around Taylor's waist from behind, holding the girl against her.

"You want to talk about it?" Selena whispers into Taylor's ear. Taylor clasps her hands together and starts fiddling with her fingers. 

"About what?" the singer asks innocently.

"You know about what."

"It's just," Taylor starts, "it's just this argument with Harry the last time we saw each other, no big deal."

"It obviously is a big deal if it still bugs you," Selena says while taking Taylor's hands into her own, "it's been what, a month since you saw each other? If you're still bothered by it, it's obviously a big deal to you."

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