Chapter 11

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Karlie's brushing her teeth when the doorbell rings. The sounds startles her, causing her to almost choke on her toothbrush. She cleans everything as fast as she can and rushes to the door. Once the door is opened, Karlie sees Taylor standing there with a huge grin on her face.

The girls hadn't really had the time to see each other the last couple of days, Karlie had been spending time with her family and Taylor with Selena. Aside from the time Taylor showed up at her apartment, they hadn't seen each other. Her family left yesterday and Taylor had immediately taken the chance to ask if Karlie wanted to get together, using the need to return some clothing as an excuse as to why the model couldn't say no. Not that that was a problem, the younger girl couldn't say no to her anyway.

"Hi," Karlie exclaimed and tackled the blond girl in a hug. Karlie's hands wrapped around Taylor's familiar slim waist while Taylor locked her hands behind the model's neck.

"Hello to you too," Taylor replies softly, sending shivers down Karlie's spine. "You smell minty," Taylor sniffs again, "normally you don't smell minty."

"I may or may not have just finished brushing my teeth," Karlie grins once she pulls away. Taylor starts giggling the minute she fully sees Karlie.

"What?" Karlie asks innocently, "do I have something on my face?" The blond starts laughing even harder while she nods furiously. The girl's mouth is completely white, covered with toothpaste. Additionally, her face and clothes are covered in tiny splatters of toothpaste as well. The sight was hilarious to Taylor and Karlie's cheeks tinted a light red.

"You do," Taylor manages to say in between her giggles, "you have something here," the singer points at Karlie's cheek, "and here, and here, and here." Taylor points at different spots all over Karlie's face. "And finally," Taylor says, "you have something here." The older girl traces Karlie's lips gently with her fingers, all the while looking into Karlie's green orbs. Karlie shivers and her heart starts to race. The feeling of Taylor's fingers on her lips feels heavenly and she wonders what it would be like to feel the singers soft lips on her-

'No' Karlie thinks 'I don't want to kiss Taylor, that's ridiculous. We're just friends, best friends even. Gather yourself together Kloss'.

Karlie knows friends don't think about each other the way the model thinks about Taylor and that they don't look at them the way Karlie looks at the singer. Still, she's sure it's nothing to worry about. The girl's friendship was different from other friendships from the beginning, like they had some instant connection. Also, Karlie's been with a fair share of girls and it's commonly accepted that Taylor's hot. Everybody would think about their hot friend in a not so friendly manner once or twice, right?

Karlie's inner monologue is interrupted by Taylor. "Penny for your thoughts?" the singer asks and looks at Karlie with a small smile. The model hadn't even noticed that Taylor's hand had removed itself from her face, too wrapped up in her thoughts to notice. Taylor touches Karlie's hand softly and looks at her with expectation.

"Just-just this shoot," Karlie stutters, "nothing big. Anyway, come on in." Karlie gestures for the blond to enter, glad she managed to change the subject. She closes the door behind her and turns towards the blond.

"Here are your clothes," Taylor says while handing Karlie a bag, "I washed them and everything, even ironed them. If there's anything wrong with them you can just call me or text and I'll make up for it. I even put some cookies in there as well, just to say thanks." Karlie looks at her lovingly, Taylor's such a perfectionist and Karlie can't help but think it's adorable.

"Thank you," Karlie says, "but you didn't have to do all of that. I have a wash machine too, you know?"

"I wanted to," Taylor mumbles and fiddles with her fingers.

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