~Chapter 2: Detention~

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Jungkook was in detention.

"Why are you here? What are you doing here in detention?." I said. "You must have been in the CR when this happened.Well, I was , uhh, I was, uh, ch-chewing gum in, uhh, c-class." He lied, stuttering. Silly kid, he thought he could escape. "Oh really, that's so bad." I sarcastically said to make him know I know he is lying. I stared at him and he nervously looked and looked away.

He gave up and said in one breath, "Fine! Iwastryingtopreparefortutoringyoubecauseyoumightshoutatmeagain..."

"Okay... So you were not listening?" I asked and he nodded. "How, bad of you," then I got confused, looked away and said "I meant good of you because you were trying to prepare for tutoring," I got confused again and said, "but still pretty bad because you were not listening to Mrs. Kang and you were scared of me, got it? He stared with a confused face and he shook his head. "Want me to repeat it?" I said, somehow scaring him. He shook his head in response. Okay...

"Soooo," Jungkook said not making eye contact, "how's life?" He asked. I stared at him and said, "What kind of question is that?" Jungkook blushed in embarrassment. "That's what I ask when I have nothing to talk about..." He said scratching the back of his head. I nodded. "So... Will you answer my question?" He asked. "No, it's dumb." I teased. "Other people answer my question..." He mumbled under his breath. "I can here what you say, mumbling does not help." I still can't believe he's in detention...


I went home alone. I always have to pass through this place where there are a bunch of tough guys... I believe some of them are byuntaes . I would always look down trying my best to make it out alive. This place is really crammed and I am actually pretty claustrophobic, so double the bad luck for me. So, as I said, I went home alone, and some muscled dude shoved me to the wall and pinched my cheeks. I heard laughter.

his smile • bts j.j.k.✔️Where stories live. Discover now