~Chapter 15: Anger~

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I woke up with Jungkook beside me. I looked around me and the surroundings were unfamiliar. I realized I was at Jungkook's place.

He was cooking breakfast. I looked at the table, there was only one plate. "Anyoung, oppa!!!" I greeted him happily. I noticed his grip on the pan got tighter. I was about to touch his shoulder until he shouted. "What do you think gives you the right to touch me after you kissed your 'friend' , huh?" He said, back facing me.
"Jungkook, I thought we were okay?! Why did you bring me here??" I argued.
"I brought you here because I wanted to tell you something." Jungkook said, calming down. He has no expression in his eyes. "
"Jungkook, what is it?" I said, getting worried. "You don't call me Jungkook anymore. Not even your oppa..." He said stabbing me with his stare. Was he, b-breaking up with m-me?!
"What is this all about-" I was interrupted by him dragging me out of his home. He shut the door in my face and left me outside. I thought we were okay? He wanted to have me and he wanted me gone? He is confusing me. He is hurting me. Our relationship did not even last for a week. Lesson learned, I am not compatible with Jungkook. But I want him back...

I desperatley knocked on the door but he ignored me. I feel how he felt. I imagined myself seeing Jungkook kissing another girl while we were in a relationship. That would totally suck... He ignored all my knocks. After how many knocks, I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I was crying. Crying because I want to be with Jungkook. I started to develop serious feelings for him... He won't accept me anymore. Praise the Lord, it's a weekend tomorrow so I don't have to sit beside him and cry inside. I still can't believe Jungkook did this to me... Jungkook, the man who liked me and bravely confessed to me. The one who cared about me. The dumb fun one... The one with a charming smile. I'll miss him. I'll need to have him back. Make him jealous... But who? Oh of course, V...

Ooohh!!! Things are getting juicy!!! Its been a long time since I've updated... I miss updating... I miss you guys!!! Can you please read a new book I made, Phone || Suga !!! Kamsahaehyo!!!

-TheFlyingAla Paca 00000&8880/792:&:@2!:&:&29:!2@:!

What happened there⤴️ XD

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