~Chapter 3: Saved~

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"Yah! Let go of meee! Kidnapper!!!" I shout while "karate chopping" the dude's arm. "You are a child? I don't think so." One of them says."How cute of you!" He chuckled as he pinched my cheeks harder. "YAAH! It hurts!" I shout. I was so scared, I felt like fainting... Probably dying! The place was roaring of laughter. He gave me a 'you are dead to me' look. Get off me, Kidnapper! I thought, shivering with fear."Hey!" Some familiar voice shouted. The kidnapper punched me hard and I blacked out. Im not actually sure if he was kidnapping me...


I woke up, being carried bridal style by... my tutor, aka Jungkook. When I tried to look up at Jungkook, my neck hurt. I tried to hold back my groan of pain so that Jungkook won't know I'm awake. I managed to slowly look up and see him sweating and all beaten up. Oh god, what did I do to him? It's all my fault! I thought and suddenly burst into tears. What a great way to ruin the moment, Yujin. As you see, I'm a very emotional Jungkook looked at me. Looks like he does not care but after that, he pulled me closer to him and I turned red. He looked at me and said, "Why are you red?" I suddenly looked away and mumbled, "Nuthin. I am still traumatized..."


"H-how do you know m-my address?" I asked the dumbest question in the world. "Because Im your tutor?" He said. "You'll be absent tomorrow, you need to rest." He said as he was washing his face in the sink.

I caressed his face because its all wounded... "Im so sorry, Jungkook... Its all my fault... You should be absent too... Stay here with me so I won't be alone." I said softly, realizing what I was doing, I quickly removed my hand of his face. "I hate you so Im getting a first aid kit!" I say sternly. He smiled gently. I got up to get a first-aid kit and bandaged all Jungkook's wounds... Wait. Don't I hate him? Just for today, Yujin... Just for today...


"Yah! Jungkook... Sleep with me..." I said shyly... "Why? Aren't you old enough to sleep on your own?" He asked. "Well... I kind of miss my parents and I missed sleeping with them, soo... Can you?" I explained. "Fine..." he groaned. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUU!!!! YOU LITERALLY DONT KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM RIGHT NOW!!!!" I shouted and jumped... and accidentally hugged him out of joy....

his smile • bts j.j.k.✔️Where stories live. Discover now