~Chapter 11: Mi-Cha~

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   Jungkook and I walk home holding hands. He squeezed my hand when I held his. I don't know how to act around him now... Im usually bad but now we are in a relationship, should I act the same, cheesy or the really attached one? I'll stay the same, maybe that's why he likes me, my attitude, or my looks because nobody can resist Yujin's fabulous face! I have NEVER had a relationship (except the one in Grade 1 but it wasn't very serious) so it is kinda awkward... I seriously don't know ANYTHING about being in a relationship. I need some help, I will call my best friend, named Kim Mi-Cha meaning beautiful girl, considering many people like her. She has a (visibly) brown, light wave hair, she is curvy, tall and her face is FLAWLESS. She currently lives in Canada because of her dad.

        I call her, "There is something important I need to tell you," I calmly say through the phone. "Okay, what?" She asks , I say, "Jungkook and I are, you know, err-" I was interrupted by her saying, "YOU TWO ARE MARRIED?!" I laugh and say, "No, silly. We are... dating, trying to date," She was squealing away from the phone and I continued, "but I don't know how to act..." Mi-Cha!!! Come down for breakfast, I heard through the phone, Isn't it too late for breakfast? Oh yeah, Canada, I thought. "I have to go, BYE!" Mi-Cha says and hangs up. So much for asking for some advice from a girl who had plenty of FAILED relationships. Seriously, I have to calm her down for how many times.

I fell asleep waiting for her call.


My alarm clock is normal again. I woke up after the alarm clock rang the 5th time. As always, late for class. This time, the teacher was new and she didn't give me detention, my day was going well until... I went home and got a missed call from my uncle. Jungkook was with me at home drawing, he is really good at it. When I decided to call my uncle, he answered and he was crying. I asked him what happened, he answered, "Your... parents." He was crying again. I had a feeling I know what he was going to say, and it wasn't pretty. "What about my parents?" I asked panicking. "They... passed away in a car crash..." My uncle said, he cried louder. It struck me, I fell on Jungkook's arms, bursting in tears. He gives me a hug.


This is a very long chapter because I gave you a very looong wait. I will update more because it is SUMMER!!! Im a Filipino that's why. This is 471 words long including the A/N. Kamsahamnida for reading my book, saranghaeyo!!!

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