~Chapter 19 - Moving~

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I stood up and looked at Jungkook. I got teary eyed. And eventually, I cried. Jungkook woke up. I was cursing in my head. I was kind of relieved because now I could have someone to talk to. Jungkook ran to me and hugged me. My heart was beating fast. I cried on his shoulder for a while. Then he pushed me away. 'Why' was the first thing that came in my head. He turned his back and shook his head. I finally stopped crying. Not because I was okay but because there were many thoughts flying in my head. I walked to him. He pushed me and I fell on the ground. Again. None of us have spoken a word to each other, I was the first one to talk.

"I don't want to fight but, what's your problem?!" My voice was rough and horrible. "You! You are my problem!" He shouted back at me. "Then why did you have to save me?! I jumped off so that your problem no longer exists!" Is'nt it true?! Pabo, pabo, pabo Jungkook! I thought. "Because! Because..." "Because what?!" He would not tell why.

"Because," he said, directly looking at me in the eyes. I knew it was gonna be serious. "I still," here it comes. "like you..." Well, this argument ended quickly...

I slapped him. Hard. So hard that it left a red mark. He looked at me with dissaproval.
He pushed me and I was crying. "You wanted to be with me. I want to be with you. Before. Well, I realized you were not meant for me."
He paused and looked away. He started to laugh. He laughed loudly. I was worried. "You, Sung Yujin, kissed another guy, called another guy oppa instead of me and also broke his heart." I felt guilty. "How could you bring this back?! Can't you get over it?!" I shout wiping my face. He was on the urge of crying but he laughed it off. "No, Yujin. I can't. I can't get over it. I felt like I can't like anyone anymore. I feel like I can't even love. Nor trust." He laughed again. This time it was slightly histerical. "And it's all because of you!" He shouted as he pushed me with his finger.

Jungkook was crying. I never saw him cry. That's when his smile flashed in my head. I walked towards him and hugged him. He stood still until he pushed me away. "No, Yujin! Hugging feels like I am being stabbed on the stomach now. Saying your name feels like dying... I can't handle you anymore!"

"Jungkook. Please give me another chance-" He cut me off. "No! You sound like a crazy ex! You sound like my old girlfriend!" Old girlfriend. He had one before.

He sat down and covered his face. He was crying a lot. I stopped crying. There were too much happening. I had to process every single word he says.

"She was like, 'Jungkook, I can change!' 'He was just a friend!' A friend? Yeah, I saw my ex on a fancy resto with a guy. They were even kissing!!!" He paused. I felt so bad, tears were rolling down my cheeks. "Hah. Why am I even telling you this. You would'nt even care. You are not even talking!" It was true. He was talking the most.

"Jungkook." I say, softly and gently, yet my voice is trembling. "What?!" He shouted. It made me jump a little. "I-I love you..." I said it. No taking back now...

He was laughing histerically. "You love me?! Hah! Too late. Didn't I say I can't love anyone anymore?! And you say you love me? You are on the top of the list."

"Of what list?" I asked, desperate to know.

"The people I can't love." He said, with a smile. It wasn't a good smile. It was a phsyco smile.


"I gotta go." He said, bumping my shoulder.
"Go where?" I said.
"Im moving."
"Where?!" I asked, sounding demanding.

He looked back at me.

"Somwhere away from you." After he said that. He slammed the door on my face.

Long time no update. Im glad I get to update!!! Don't worry, art class is almost done so I get to update!

Plez vote and support mee!! Kamsahaeyo

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