~Chapter 16: Selfish Lie~

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I called V through the telephone.
"Anyoung?" I say. "Yujin? Why'd you c-call?" He asked, nervous. "I- I like you..." I lied, I felt bad for using him just to get Jungkook back. "J-jinjja?" He asked obviously happy. "Yeh, Im embarrased I confessed." He probably bought it... "I like you too, Yujin!" He bought it. "So, oppa... You are now my 'oppa'. Oh god, that was a horrible joke." I said, dissapointed at my joke. He was bursting into laughter through the telephone. "O-oppa..." I acted shy... Once you do it, there is no turning back. I feel selfish. I am selfish. . I can't believe I tricked an old friend of mine that I actually like him. But, I was just using him. I do like him, but not the way he likes me...

Yup, Im going to hell. See you there, Satan!

Aigoo, what have I done. V, Im very sorry... I did not know how I would 'break up' with him but just stay friends. Friendzoning him but not in a harsh way... Is that even possible?!

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