~Chapter 17: Notice Me, Senpai~

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The next day, Jungkook and I had a contest of ignoring each other. I just... miss him. He would look down at his notebook while taking notes. He won't look at anything else. I would look at him several times and he won't look back. I would purposely drop my things near him but he won't do anything, not even look at me. I sneezed loudly when the class was quiet, he won't look. In lunch time, I saw him seating on the back of the cafeteria... alone. I went to the 'Bangtan Boys' table, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi , Jimin and J-hope were there. Wait, V was there?! I never noticed him! Well, they all shot me dirty looks.
I gathered all my courage, took a deep breath and said, "W-what happened to Jungkook?" They looked at me, stared at me. Jimin came up and I was looking down at him. A bit. He was staring at me and I was staring back at me with a confused face. "Stop looking down at me like that! You make me feel short!!!" He turned around and crossed his arms like a child throwing tantrums. Its kinda hilarious. Then I saw V, standing up. He confidently said, "You broke up with him right?"
"Come to my house at my house later, Taehyung..." I said, he looked suprised because I never called him by his real name... He nodded his head...

Jungkook was still silent the whole day. He was walking alone in the halls. I tried to approach him but he pushed me and I fell. "Why do you care now, huh?!" He asked me, shouting at me. I was to scared to speak. "I-I have to go to class..." I say, the lamest excuse ever. "Of course you do, coward!" He shouted, at me. Thats it, I reached my limit. "You have to mention Im a coward?! Can't you just shut your mouth!" I screamed at him. All eyes were on us. Suddenly, they all started to chant, 'Fight! Fight! Fight!' Well, I was obviously annoyed so I shouted, "SHUT UP!!!" Silence struck the halls. Mr. Kang came up with V behind him. V, of all people who could have reported... It had to be him! "What is all the fuss about?" Mr. Kang said, the students made way for him and looked at us. One of them said, "They were fighting!" All of them agreed.

Mr. Oh looked at me angry. "What?! Don't look at me like that!" I gave him a dirty look. He lifted his chin up. He was thinking about our punishment. "Both of you will stay and clean the comfort rooms after class." He said. Jungkook looked at him suprised. "S-sir, I can explain-" Jungkook was cut off by Mr. Oh saying, "I don't need an explanation, my desicion is final-" Jungkook, being an idiot tried to reason out. "But-" Mr. Oh gave him a death stare. With his deep, dark voice, he said. "No buts." The other students being immature, giggled. Im used to the punishments. They are now nothing to me. Everyone left the hallway, including me. V and I will get even soon. He'll be in shock.

--- After Classes ---

"Yah! Jungkook, you clean this all, okay?" I say slowly leaving. "Yah!!! You clean too!" Jungkook said, dropping the mop. "I have a very important thing to do!" I say waving my finger in his face. Then I touched the tip of his nose. "Anyoung, Jungkook!!!" I say, leaving him all alone in the comfort rooms. Well, I felt bad so I came back inside. He was suprised. "ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ!!! You should see your face!!! You really thought I would leave you?! Hahaha!!" I tried my best to catch my breath. Jungkook was staring at me, annoyed. "What? It was funny!" I said, shrugging. He just rolled his eyes and got back to work. In the middle of cleaning the girls' cr, Jungkook dropped the mop. I did not mind. Until his hand slammed to the wall. I turned around and Jungkook was in front of me. "J-Jungkook, now is not a time for jokes. Im tired and I want to go home." I say very nervously. "This is no joke." Jungkook said, staring at me, right into the eyes. Before I knew it, his lips were touching mine. He pulled of and he smiled. His smile made me smile. Inside. He got back to work, leaving me frozen without saying anything.

We finally finished and I left before him to avoid awkwardness. Trust me, I have experienced a lot of awkwardness in the bathroom. I farted and he laughed. Shame on me... I thought he was mad at me but it looked like he still wants me back. He... Kissed me... For the first time. Well, yeah, V kissed me before him but still. Jeon Jungkook, kissed me. On the lips...

--- At Home ---

V was outside the door. He was frowning at me. "Anyoung, V oppa!!" I say smiling. He did not smile back. "V, is everything okay-" He interrupted me by shouting, "I saw you kiss Jungkook! I thought you broke up with him?! " He pushed me on the shoulders and I went back a few. steps. " Actually, Jungkook broke up with me because he saw you kissing me!!! Talk about karma!!! I decided to date you so that he could feel jealous and have me back!!!" It looks like I said to much. V stared at me. He shook his head and pushed me again. "Im done with all this crap. Im done with you!!! I have been crushing on you ever since we were kids, but now, you just ripped my heart to shreds!!!" He shouted and walked away. I can't believe it. He told me everything about him liking me and Im the one who broke his heart. I thought he did not like me that much. I already lost Jungkook and now I lost V? Looks like Im the one affected by my plan... I wished that I never existed. I caused everyone problems. Now Im just a useless piece of crap that nobody loves.


Hey guys!!! Hoped you enjoyed reading this 1000 words chapter. I realized that my chapters were too short and one of you requested for longer chapters. Thank you for reading this long chapter. I worked so hard!

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