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A/N: This imagine is a sequel to "Bye"... the previous imagine I wrote :)


"I love you more!" He said.

Wait; is this the same Shawn I left back in Canada? The one who never noticed my love for him through these years? What are you thinking Y/N?! He is Shawn, the person whom you love with all you heart.

"Y/N? " You heard Shawn and came out of your thoughts.

"Ye-yes? What were you saying?" You said.

"I was saying that I love you the most!" Shawn said cheerfully.

"Hm" You said and fake smiled even though he wasn't there to look at you.

'It's too late Shawn, now it's too late. I am about to start a new life, and YOU, at this point are saying that you love me! Is this some kind of plot twist? Huh? Like the ones that happen in movies and books? Where was this love all these years?' The frustrated you said.

'No, But this is SHAWN! SHAWN PETER RAUL MENDES! Whom you have loved for as long as you can remember. And now that he says he loves you, you want to start a new life?! You want to forget him? You want to forget Shawn?' Your Shawn-loving self spoke.

"Hm? Is all you wanna say?" Shawn said from the other side making you come out of your thought?

"No, LOVE YOU!" You replied.

What has happened to me?

"Shawn, I gotta go..." You said. You just wanted to escape that conversation, just in case Shawn sensed your insecurities.

"Okay, bye love ya." He said and hung up.

What do I do? Shawn said he loves me but on the other hand he couldn't notice my admiration of him for all these years? Shawn, you have trapped me in a great trouble. Leaving you was easier, but I wasn't sure about the 'forgetting you' . I am so confused.

All these thoughts were just running through your mind just like restless flies in the summer time... it again reminded you of Shawn and the summers you both spent together and of course your days in Canada with your dad...

You decide to go to bed even though it was only eight in the evening. You made full attempts to get some sleep but you couldn't everything reminded you of Shawn and Shawn, reminded you of everything. You really needed your ma right now... but you couldn't get her.

Next day, around six in the morning you got up with the first rays of the sun. The whole night you spent thinking about him. A lot of tear shedding also did happen.

You decided to go around for a small walk. Just to get out of your thoughts for a few moments, but as if it was going to happen.

Anyways you got up and went out. Not much was happening. Well, what activity do you suppose to happen so early in the morning? You thought to yourself letting out a small smile. Amsterdam was a pretty beautiful city actually, ever since you moved, each piece felt like a home.

You suddenly hear an uproar. What could have been happening? That too so early in the morning?

Your curiosity grew as you heard more than thousands of teenage girls screaming. You took steps in that direction. It must be some superstar... You thought. The thought of 'superstars' again, remained you of Shawn... suddenly your curiosity went from 100 to -1. You just immediately changed your direction.

"Thank you so much to show your love and support by coming so early in this freezing cold. I just can't thank you enough; but now; let me tell you why I called you lovely people here." You heard a voice, overpowering those screams.

Is it Shawn?
Nah- What would he do here?

Suddenly your phone rang. SHAWN? Why is he calling me so early it'd be almost midnight in Canada.

Anyways, you pick it up.

"Hello?" Shawn said as the overpowering voice also spoke.

"Hi." You replied.

"So, where are you?" Shawn said.

"Uhhh.." You said and turned around, IT WAS SHAWN! Well, he couldn't see you as his back was towards you but HE WAS SHAWN! SHAWN PETER RAUL MENDES! "Turn around idiot." You said as bitter diamonds, better known as tears sprang out of your eyes.

"Huh?" he said sounding confused.

"Shawn Mendes turn your head around!" You replied.

You could see him through the crowd, he turned towards you and so did those girls... suddenly you were the center of attraction.

"Crap! I always suck at surprises!" He exclaimed as you made your way through the crowd.

All eyes were on you. Only you.

The only thing you cared about was SHAWN. F those insecurities Shawn flew to Amsterdam just for you. 

"Don't cry come on!" Shawn said as you went to him.

Your reply was a hug.

"Shawn I-I..." You tried to say but he placed is gentle finger on your lips. "Shh... I know, you were insecure right?" The crowd seem to disappear as each word came out of his mouth...

"I just want you to know that I REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE YOU! I can't even spend a day without thinking about you... You are mad but you are magic! You always set everything right. I just love you so much!" Shawn said.


Anyways, Hope Y'all liked it. ILY!

~Daisy xox

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