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Your P.O.V.

"I think we should continue following the map" I suggested.

"Nah. We've been following the map throughout and I don't think we are anywhere near the camp site" Nash said.

"But we're going to get lost" I replied.

"Don't you think we're already lost?" Cameron said.

"Maybe. But we must not give up" I said.

"Yeah. I think Y/N's right" Shawn mumbled. The guys gave both of us a dirty look.

"Fine I have a solution" I said.

"Let's split up. Whoever's the last to reach the camp site has to pay for all the expense" I added. For once, they all agreed with me. I immediately regretted the decision, but it was too late.

I thought I was going alone but to my surprise, Shawn was following me. I smiled to myself. I followed the directions given in the map while Shawn just blindly followed me. My instinct was telling me that he likes me, a lot, because if I were in his place I wouldn't have followed myself. I would've probably gone with everyone else and not followed some girl I happen to have a stupid crush on, who has absolutely no camping experience and just has some useless map for reference.

"Do you think we're going the right way? We've been walking for more than an hour now" Shawn said.

"Most probably. I've been following the exact directions given in this map" I said, showing him the map. His eyes widened for some reason.

"What the hell!?! You've been holding the map upside down all this time" He yelled. I was shocked. My face immediately went pale for I'd never seen him so mad at me or at anyone for that matter.

"I knew something was wrong! We should've never trusted you with the map. For God's sake Y/N you can't happen to hold a map correctly, let alone following the directions on it"

I hadn't realised but I had started crying. I sat back on a huge rock and let my emotions get me.

"Yeah good. Now cry to make it look like I'm the one who's guilty here" He said. I just simply held my tongue and sat right there, silently crying.

"You're impossible! You know what? I'm not going to make the same mistake twice. I'll go my own way while you go yours" He said and began to walk away.

"Look I'm sorry" I said, following him. I couldn't have let him storm off like that. At the end of the day, he was the only hope that I could ever get out of this forest.

"Just leave me alone and don't be so damn clingy for once" He yelled and pushed me away. He didn't literally push me but his words did. They sent me right back to the rock I was sitting on as I continued to sob.

I was so wrong to have thought that he would ever like me. He was just following me because he knew I was helpless and pitied me. My throat began to get dehydrated from all the crying. I searched my rucksack for my water bottle but then I remembered giving it to Shawn at the beginning of the trip. I groaned as loudly as I could.

Half an hour passed and I was in the exact position he left me in, the only difference was that I didn't look horrendous before. I was sure that any passer-by would instantly get frightened on looking at me because I managed to look like a grizzly bear.

I laughed on the little joke that I made about myself, imagining the situation.

Just then I saw, or at least I thought I saw Shawn coming back. Great now I had started having hallucinations.

But then, I wasn't hallucinating because I felt his arms around me. I was extremely surprised because of the hug but I anyways pulled out of it.

"I'm sorry" He said. I kept shut.

"Look I'm really very sorry. I didn't mean to get mad at you" He said acting all innocent.

Just then I felt the urge in me to slap him, and I did.

"Yeah and I didn't mean to do that" I said through gritted teeth.

"I deserved that" He said.

"Yes you did you jerk" I said breaking into sobs all over again.

He again engulfed me in a hug, only this time I let him do it. I cried for a while after finally stopping and pulled out of the hug.

"Give me my water bottle back" I said. He did as he was told.

I took a sip and immediately felt a gush of energy.

"I'm sorry again for how I behaved" Shawn said guiltily.

"Yeah it's okay now. We're even" I replied.

"Let's just get out of here" I added.

"Nope I don't think that's a good idea. Just look at that" He said pointing towards the horizon. The sun was setting and it was absolutely beautiful. I smiled. It was all a little romantic.

"Yeah. I think it's safe to call this a date" He said, shooting a wink at me. Did I just think out loud? Won't be a shocker to me if I did though.

"Dude this ain't a date" I said, rolling my eyes. He looked a little taken aback.

"Camping is not a date. It's an endurance test. If you can survive camping with me, I'm marrying you on the way back home" I said. He laughed.

We enjoyed the sunset and all of a sudden it began to get dark.

"I told you we should get going. But no, you just had to be all romantic all of a sudden" I taunted him. He just rolled his eyes.

We walked for an hour before my legs finally gave up and I sat on the ground.

"Come on Y/N. You can't give up now. We're almost near the camp site" He said.

"I can't move an inch further" I said. He sat down beside me.

"Can I do something to make things better?" He asked.

"Why did you have to choose to go with a loser like me?" I groaned.

"You were going all alone and I, being the opportunist I am, chose to go with you so that we could spend some time together" He said.

At first I thought he was just flirting again but then he was being very serious.

I smiled again and we both leant in. We kissed and things felt a hundred times better.

Just then we felt torch lights beaming at our faces.

"Ew. Hayes don't look that way" Nash said covering Hayes' eyes.

"There's no Wi-Fi here but I bet the both of them had a strong connection" Cameron joked and all of them laughed.

"I told you we were close to the camp site" Shawn said.

A/N: The ending was legit 😂 I'm laughing so hard rn.

Anyways if you like the imagine , please don't forget to vote on it.

We just crossed 1K reads so thanks for all the support. We hope for your support in the future as well.



May xx

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