Happy Birthday, Love.

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Shawn Mendes.

The guy who can make me look at my hideous self in the mirror and smile even after a strenuous day.

The guy whose smile radiates warmth in such bitter cold of today's world.

The guy from whom I learnt how to find happiness in the little things of life, be it a meagre serving of double chocolate chip ice cream.

The guy who teaches us all how to be different from the sheeple.

The guy whose mere existence makes the world a better place.

The guy who made me believe that the quality of goodness may be as scarce as hen's teeth but not extinct.

By now you might've figured that this is not an imagine.

It's a medium through which I'm trying to express my love and immense gratitude for Shawn as we celebrate his natal day today.

He's turning eighteen today and I haven't even known him for eighteen months but it feels like I've known him for all HIS life, let alone mine. And for the record I'm four years and eighteen days younger to him. Also for the record, I used the word 'eighteen' thrice in the last two sentences.

He's like a book. As one chapter ends, another beautiful chapter begins. I've learnt a lot from this MAN (I'm literally crying) in the past few months and I've yet to learn a lot more as more chapters unveil.

The beauty of this person is not limited to the physical appearance, it's very vast. It lies in every little gesture of his, in his character and in every little word that escapes his lips.

Lastly, it has been said that if we keep repeating a word, it loses its meaning. But every time I take his name, it comes out with a lot more meaning, love and emotion than before.

I love you, Shawn Mendes. I always will. I know that my love is one sided and will always be but I believe that it's enough for the both of us.

~ May xx

(TBH There's much more that I want to write but then there's this load of stupid school stuff that I have to do. Also, it took me forty five minutes to open Wattpad as my laptop is damn slow and I've only been this persistent because its Shawn)

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