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Your P.O.V.

I was pretty apprehensive about going school that day. But then when was I not? After all I had to face the guy I dreaded being in the same room with every day; Shawn Mendes. He had never physically hurt me but he had emotionally broken me completely.

I was late to school yet again. I walked down the empty hallway to the homeroom when I felt someone grab my wrist. Shawn Mendes.

"What do you want?" I said.

"I want you to get your ugly ass out of this school" He said.

"You know I'm not going anywhere" I said.

"But you should. You're just one bad fish in the whole pond. This school doesn't want ugly people like you" He said.

"What have I even done to get all this crap from you?" I said.

"You exist" He said.

"Do you even taste your words before you spit them out?" I spat.

If looks could kill I would've been dead by then. He inched closer to me as I scooted backwards. Our arguments never got this heated. I usually just ignored his statements. By the look on his face I could tell that he was going to beat me.

But even before he could raise his hand on me he was on the ground. I looked up to see two tall guys, even taller than Shawn (Haha is that even possible?).

My perception was that they had come to save me from Shawn but I was wrong. They were his bullies.

I saw blood come out from his nose and I have to admit I felt kinda bad. The guys continued to beat him even after his constant begging.

"Please stop" I said finally when I could take no more.

"Please don't beat him" I added.

"Since when do we listen to you?" One of the guys said.

"Please just... please" I said.

"Just go away if you don't want to get hurt. And don't you dare utter a word about this to anyone" The other guy said.

"I promise I won't tell anyone just please leave him" I said.

The guys just shrugged and let go off him as he fell on the ground. I thought he passed out. I shook him a little and he was successful in regaining consciousness.

"Go" He mumbled.

"No. I won't. I don't take orders from you anymore. Just shut up" I said which caused him to shut his mouth immediately. Unbelievably I was the stronger one now.

"I may be ugly and stuff but I'm sensitive enough to help you" I said being politer this time.

He tried to get up but he couldn't even sit upright let alone standing. I offered him my hand. He took it and got up. Three fourths of his weight was on me and it was pretty hard to walk that way. But I managed.

I took him out of school through a secret place I used to escape from to prevent an encounter with Shawn. Too bad it wasn't a secret anymore. I couldn't have taken him to the doctor at school. The guys would kill both of us. I wasn't really sure where I was going at that moment.

I stopped a car passing by and asked the driver, more like begged him to help us.

He drove us to my home. Thankfully my mum and dad were away.

I put him on my bed and sighed heavily. Shawn Mendes is not an easy person to carry.

Then I got some cotton balls and medicine from mum's drawer in her room. I returned to find him crying silently, just tears falling from his eyes. I was surprised but I didn't bother to question him and just put some medicine on his cuts and bruises. I tried to put medicine on the bruise on his cheek but him crying made it hard. I finally had to pull out a tissue and wipe his stupid tears. But every time I wiped them away new ones came out from his eyes.

"Ughh okay will you stop please?" I said being the nicest I could.

"Sorry" He mumbled.

"You know what? If you're really sorry then stop crying you idiotic person" I said.

He took the tissue from my hand and wiped his eyes. Finally he stopped crying.

I put medicine on his cheek and he flinched immediately.

"Sorry if it hurts but please bear with it. It'll only take a minute" I said.

He took my free hand in his and whenever it hurt he squeezed my hand. It was hurting me a little but I didn't say a word about it. I was finally over with putting medicine and Band-Aids on his bruises.

"I can drop you home if you want" I said.

"I don't want to go home. If you don't mind can I stay here for a while?" He said. I thought about it a little and then nodded.

"Is it okay if I lie down? Um, my back hurts" He said.

"Sure" I replied.

He tried lying down himself but failed. I had to help him yet again.

"I'm sorry. I am really" He said.

"It's okay" I said. I had to.

"You're not ugly, nobody is" He said.

"Hmm I know" I said.

"You shouldn't have helped me. I don't deserve it" He said as a guilty look took over his face.

"Everyone deserves a second chance" I replied.

"You're beautiful Y/N and I mean it. I'm sorry for being so extremely rude to you. I didn't mean anything that I ever said ... except obviously when I just said you're beautiful. I just got pushed around all the time and took all my frustration out on you" He said. He looked like he would just start sobbing and I was crossing my fingers on it. But thankfully he didn't.

"It's okay Shawn" I said and flashed a smile at him. That was the very beginning of our beautiful friendship.

A/N: I'm back muffins :P

Btw the video on the top doesn't have a lot to do with the imagine but please watch it. I just want to remind you guys that every single one of you is beautiful in different ways. Beauty isn't having good looks. It's having a good soul. Some people just don't acknowledge your beauty because they're too blind to see it.

Don't let anyone change who you are. Be true to yourself because no one else will be true to you.

Haha I'm not going to bore you with a long author's note now..

Bubbye <3


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