Long Lost Friend

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All the times I spent with you,

All the experiences would say.

They can never escape me even if,

You go a thousand miles away.

A lot of time has gone by,

There are people with whom I've tried to blend. 

But not much to my surprise, 

No one would replace you my long lost friend. 

I let out a heart wrenching sob as I wrote down the last line onto the paper, bleached so white that it hurt to look at it in the spring sunshine. Pretty much everything hurt. 100 voicemails sent, but not a single one responded to. Maybe she had changed her number. Maybe. Maybe she was too caught up in her own life to check up on her old friend. I don't even know if she sees me as a friend anymore. 

She was there like a shadow when I needed her. She never let me down. Every time I hugged her, she freed me from my qualms, from the shackles that pulled me down when I was meant to soar up in the sky. She was the kind of friend I'd pick first in any survival situation. She'd always stick up to me even if I was wrong, and later kick my ass for being a jerk, which happened often. We used to play on my Nintendo everyday until our fingers blistered or one of our parents dragged us out of the others house. I still remember the hallways of the school where she pretended to whisper a secret and instead kissed my cheek, when the period bell rang and there was sudden commotion. She never failed to distract me from my everyday worries and yet taught me not to run away from my problems. She always smelt good and even if she said she didn't, I could easily make up another excuse to try and be close to her. She talked to everyone not caring if they were in the 'in crowd' or not. And that's what I loved about her. That's probably why we became friends in the first place. 

It's surprising how one argument could take away all that we had, all the fond memories that I shared with her. I can't believe I ever told her or anyone that I hated her. I never did. Yet I said it, and it surprises me how easily it came out. Fast forward to the present day, I cannot live with the fact that she thinks I hate her. So I pull out a sheet of paper, scribble my thoughts down and seal it into a beautiful floral envelope. 

Know how they say some friends are for a reason, some are for a season and some are for life? She was for life and I'd never been so sure of anything in my entire existence. 

A/N:This is probs crappy but 53.8K HOLY GUACAMOLE !! *sends virtual hugs* 

The poem above was written by Daisy when we weren't talking and it tears me up every time I read it or even glance past it. But whats important is that we reconciled. All of us have that one friend who we somehow leave behind even if we never meant to and its sad if they're the ones who we love the most. 

So if any of you guys have friends who you haven't spoken to in a long time, go hit em up with a text, or even call them before its too late. 

Also, please add me on snapchat. My ID is heyitsmehakb (shameless self promo) 

Oh and also, stay rad ! 

~May x 

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