The Proposal

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It was a lazy day for the two of you. You fixed your gaze to the television while Shawn wrapped his arm around you.

You sat that way for a while until he said, "I've been wanting to um take you to the supermarket for a while now."

You laughed a little. Why would he be wanting to take you to the supermarket for a while? Something was fishy. You looked at him and he pulled off a very serious look.

"Hmm kay. I'll go fix my hair" You said kissing his cheek. He caught hold of your hand.

"But you look cute" He said referring to your messy bun. You smiled a little.

The both of you got in his car. You reached the supermarket in no time.

As soon as you got in Shawn began signalling to the workers there. You were confused but still moved along the chocolate counter and picked up a packet of mini galaxies. Shawn came rushing towards you.

"You ought to try one of those kinder eggs. They're good" He said.

"I've been eating kinder eggs since I was three, Shawn" You said.

"Yah... Just take one" He said.

"Okay" You said.

You picked one up and Shawn immediately said, "No not the Disney princess one! I bet those Toy Story ones are good. Besides, I really want an Andy toy"

You looked over to find only one Toy Story egg. You grew a little suspicious but you picked it up anyways. You both got the kinder egg and the mini galaxies billed. You were still wondering why he'd got you to the supermarket.

"I really can't wait for my Andy Toy... Just eat it now!" He said.

You opened and ate it away. You opened the egg to find a slip which said 'Will you marry me?' You also found a beautiful ring in it. The proposal was completely unforeseen.

"Shawn?" You said looking at him.

"Uh yeah?" He said scratching the back of his head.

"Really?" You said.

"UhhIjusthadthisurgeinmetoaskyoutomarryme.Imsorryforrushingthisup.Iknowyouwantedtotakethingsslow.Iunderstandifyousayano.Imsorry-"He jabbered.

"I don't understand a word of what you say. But yeah I'll marry you" You said hugging him with as much strength as you could possibly muster. He was just too cute.

"Too bad you didn't get that Andy toy" You joked.

"Well, I got something so much better" He said.

A/N: Hello Muffins :)

Whaddya think of that ??

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I wasn't going to update but I still did so yeah love me for that...jk hate me all ya want.

Thanks for the 630 reads though...

Love y'all

~May xx

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