Best Friends and Character Descriptions

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A/N: In case ya dunno Y/L/N stands for your last name and Y/BFF/N stands for your best friend's name. And just for the sake of this imagine please think of a girl best friend. It'll suit the imagine better. Read on folks of Mendes Army ~ May

Just another day in creative writing class with Shawn slash my best friend slash neighbor slash love of my life...

"Shawn. Would you like to read out your character description to everyone?" Our teacher from the creative writing class asked him.

"Umm. I'll just submit it" He said.

"Who did you write about?" Our teacher inquired.

"Lord Voldemort" He mumbled and everyone convulsed with laughter. Typical Shawn.

"And... Y/N?" Our teacher said.

"Umm can I just submit it too?" I said nervously.

"Oh but you should read it. I'm sure it's better than mine, and I read it anyways" Y/BFF/N said. I sent her a death glare.

"In that case you should read it Miss Y/L/N" The teacher said.

I cleared my throat and began reading...

His eyes are the colour of coconut shells and radiate the warmth of a tropical beach. Brown eyes are common, but not his. Even if for five seconds, the intensity in his eyes make me intrigued.

His hair, dark and lustrous, have a sheen like fine hardwood. But that comparison isn't entirely fair, I suppose. Hardwood doesn't swish gently like his hair does, swaying with the words he speaks.

His lips are full bodied and absolutely alluring.

And when he smiles it seems genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness and warmth. His eyes fill up with this childlike wonder and his cheekbones lift up revealing his adorable cheek scar.

He's really tall, a foot taller than me. And when I'm with him he doesn't let me wear heels no matter how vertically challenged I look in comparison to him. As a result whenever I'm out with him, I walk on the sidewalk to match his elevation.

Personality wise, he's the most beautiful person I've ever come across. It's not his physical appearance that draws me towards him but it's his inner beauty; the warmth, openness and love in his character.

I heard a chorus of awes.

"I really like your description Y/N. So who was this about?" Our teacher asked me.

Y/BFF/N opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off by saying, "a friend".

"Awe that's sweet. You should let this friend of yours know how you feel about him... Anyways I'm really impressed with your writing and as a matter of fact you're the only one getting an A++ in this assignment" She said. I smiled.

Everyone except the teacher knew who the mystery person behind my character description was. They were all looking back and forth between me and Shawn. I was hoping the class would end soon.

"The class is dismissed. You are all requested to do the homework that I gave you" The teacher said. I sighed with relief.

As I left the classroom I felt a tall figure tower over me. I turned around almost instantly.

"Uhh I really liked your description" Shawn said.

"Umm thank you" I said looking making absolutely no eye contact.

"Let's not make this awkward" Shawn chuckled.

"I know you like me and I like you too" He added.

"Who said I like you?" I retorted. Shawn's face went pale as if he'd seen a ghost.

"Kidding" I giggled.

"Awh Y/N don't do that ever again" He said engulfing me in a hug. We pulled out of it after a couple of seconds.

"So I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend..." Shawn mumbled.

"Yes" I half-screamed.

"Haha typical Y/N. My ride's here, want to tag along?" He asked with hopeful eyes. I looked over to Y/BFF/N and she pouted.

"Ahh as much as I want to... I just can't" I said.

He looked over to Y/BFF/N and squinted his eyes.

"Hmm. I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye love" He said kissing my cheek causing it to turn a shade of crimson and the eruptions of butterflies in my stomach.

"Life's no fair. You get a boyfriend AND an A++ in your assignment" Y/BFF/N pouted.

"Oh shut up!" I said playfully slapping her arm.

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