Chapter 3

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!Still 3rd Person!


"Yes Petra...You."

"H-How? I...I..I even d-didn't do anything to m-make you h-happy! And also, I can barely see the happy side of you!" she stuttered. Jesse patted the woman's head. "You might not know, my inner emotions is happy when I see you."

"So, that's how he fanboy...Hehe.." As Petra's mind spoke.

Apparently, she has no idea what to say, what to react. She's just starring on Jesse who's also starring at her. Jesse's showing the 'What's Your Answer' face. While Petra gave the 'IDK' face. Time passed, they are still awkward. Until a question comes up to her mind. She's about to say the first word of her question yet, she saw Jesse...


She facepalmed as Jesse starts snoring. She then sat next to him. She thought that she already wasted a lot of time. Though, she gotta admit that Jesse looks innocent and cute while sleeping. She could feel faint blush on her cheeks. She doesn't want to disturb his sleep but, she does not want to just stare at him like she's being a stalker.

"Great, Now I am gonna waste my time waiting for Sleeping Handso-- the heck I said that?" Right now, what Petra wanted to happen is to bump her head repeatedly on the wall. Though, she remained herself calm because she remembers that he is sleeping.

"I AM BEING AN IDIOT RIGHT NOW! I should have just wake him! The sunset is going to tag me! For sure I am deeply screwed!" As her panicked mind spoke, she instantly felt two arms surrounded her waist part (That sounded wrong! Sorry, 'bout that.. I am a Filipino citizen. Which means, I am practicing harder for my grammar) She felt the heat of her cheeks are now really hot as the boiling water. She turned around to see Jesse, still asleep, hugging her tightly.

She goes closer to Jesse's face. Guess what she had done??


She just woke him up on a very rude way. She felt sad about it. But, all she really needs right now is the answer for her question. But, instead of Jesse reacting in a simple way, he over reacted. He's running around on his hut, screaming like an idiot, yada yada yada...

This made Petra deeply annoyed. She got up and playfully slaps Jesse's arm. "That's a joke. Stay calm". Jesse's embarrassed as how a timid person is embarrass. "Geez, you really did scare me to death! By the way, why you woke me? I was having a very wonderful dream.". "Wonderful...Dream??" Ooops, someone misinterpreted it. Petra's blush had gone cray-cray, she's like a volcano now. "P-P-PERVY!". "Oh god! You are thinking this all wrong!" Jesse protested.

What Jesse dreamed about was he was on Pigland hanging out with lots of pigs and he named all of them.....'Reuben' (crying..I dont really wanna put this part TnT) He was being hugged by the pigs and treated him like a real bro.

"Lemme guess...You thought that I am dreaming about you stri--" by the sudden force, Petra covered the mouth of the man. "SHADDAPYOUFILTHYPERSHON". "..'Pershon??'" Jesse smirked as he heard Petra's somewhat childish accent (that's what I call it :V)

"Look what we have here, a dirty minded Petra." As Jesse's inner thoughts spoke.

"By the way, It's not the time for stupid talk! W-we're going to have a serious t-talk today." Petra starred at Jesse's green eyes he is also starring at the woman. "Okay then. It's not something that will snap my dark self right?". "Yes, it's not something stressful." Petra paused because she could see from the suspender boy's eyes, it's about to close... "But first, don't make your eyes close..". Jesse yawned and just responded with a nod. "What's the reason that I am the one who's making you happy?" as she interrogated, Jesse tried to speak yet, his mind is all blank. He's not ready to answer the bandana girl's question.

Petra is just waiting for an answer, when 6 minutes had passed, she became impatient. She glares at Jesse which made the brunette scared. "C-come on! I even didnt knew about this! You asking this stuff, I am not ready to answer i--". "The more you try to excuse, the more you'll get glares." Petra said in her deadly tone. "She's too PETRAfying" As Jesse joked to his mind.

"What if I tell you I am tired?" Jesse asked. Petra sighed as a sign of disappointment. She had thought that the Jesse she knew is gone. She's with an excusable Jesse. " can rest. After all, it is now night time." She looked on the window same as Jesse. "...It's also raining too wild.." as the brunette mumbled. He looked at Petra, in a worried way. He's thinking the rain might affect her. He had decided to not let her go outside.

"I am going now, Jesse." But that sentence was just a false sentence, she didn't go because Jesse holds her hand tightly. Petra just looked at the young man's eyes. "Are you crazy on your decision, Petra?! You could get yourself killed out there!" Green eyes said anxiously. "If something happened to you out there, I am the first one to be blamed!" He added. Petra never felt this kind of thing. Someone getting deeply worried about her.. "Jesse, I am strong. I am going to be fine." She's declining Jesse's offer to stay. But no one can stop Jesse. He pulled Petra for a hug. "I will never let you go until you say yes...Think about it, you in a very dangerous weather. Do you think you can beat the weather by your body? Petra, it doesn't mean you're strong, you can have no pain to everything!".

"Looks like, Jesse's right..I have no other choice but to stay on his hut." She thought.

"Fine, I'll stay." As Petra said her decision, Jesse's heart is really happy that she made the right choice. He does not want to see this horrific images of Petra getting hurt.

"But, one condition" as Petra added, this made the young man's emotion to serious.

"You better say the answer to my question, tomorrow."

"I will, Petra." He accepted the deal. Well, now it's all fair and square.

When they are about to sleep, Jesse had remembered that he only had one bed. The both of them starred at each other.. "Um...."

"As a gentelman, I'll let the lady to be on the bed." Jesse said

"Heck no! This is your house so, you'll be the one laying the bed!" Petra protested.

"Nope, you're a special guess so you're the one who's taking the bed."

"Nope. You Jesse!"


"You I said! It's embarrassing ya know!?" Petra's cheeks starting to heat up.

"When is that embarrassing? I am doing my thing as a gentleman." He said.

Unfortunately, no response from Petra.. They got really this awkward silence until...

"AHA! Why dont we just share the bed??" They knew what just happened. They said it in chorus which made them look away and blushing very deep.

" coincidence" Jesse said without thinking. "Heh..yeah" Petra responded back..

Finally from that stupid sickness, I finally got the mood to continue the update! I am sorry about it. Did you read that one note named "Urgent"? That will explain it. The picture I used is one of my private drawings. I dont share my Chapter covers. Because, I dont know ._. THAT'S ALL! I hope you enjoy this! ^^

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