!BONUS! Chapter 15.5

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(A/N: AHAAA AHAAA THIS TOOK SO VERY LONG. I'm Sorry! Some people rushed me. So yeah...)

From those brutal events, it changed into very happy events. Both Jesse and Petra are happily enjoying their lives. Not like on the past events, Jesse is no longer so very pessimist. Petra has some character developments. She turns into a caring and lovable person to Jesse. Lukas and Jess and the rest visits the two almost everyday to hang out with them and think of when will their adventures will start.

But, they forgot about something.. As mentioned before, the sword that Petra used only casts away Herobrine without both her and Jesse getting killed. Which means...

H e  i s  s t i l l  A L I V E . . .

As days passed, and it was the middle of the night, something is not right. Jesse feel something that is really bad. He sat on a chair and lowered his head to think about it. Petra saw the movements of the young man. "Jesse?" She called out. But, Jesse didn't hear it. She went closer to Jesse and pats the young man's back. "Hey, are you alright, Jesse?"

"We are forgetting something, Petra.." He said in a serious tone. Petra slightly tilt her head as a sign of confusion. "You did remember the Oathkeeper (the sword Alex gave to Petra) is use for casting away curses, right..?" Petra nodded as she was interrogated. Jesse holds both Petra's shoulders "Which means, we are still not safe. He is still alive" Petra's eyes widened slightly. She has nothing to say just the speechless face she just inserted. She finally spoke "But... I thought..". "I knew it you will thought that he will get killed because you've stabbed him.." Silence started until Jesse's phone rung.

Jesse's POV
I heard my phone rung. I grabbed it to see who called. It was Alex.. I answer the call.

"Jesse speaking.. "

"We have something to talk about. It's about Herobrine"

"Huh? What he has done now?" I said in my serious tone

"He haven't start his first move but, that first move is already dangerous." Sadly said by Alex

"How dangerous exactly..? " My voice trailed off

I receive silence so I asked again.

"Tell me, Alex. What is it?"

"His powers become more powerful than the last time."

"Is that it.... ??" I asked weakly

"No..There is more something worse.. He can also control multiple people on the same time...."

I feel my whole body become weak and I fell to my knees.


"Thanks for the information...." And I hung up.

Petra went in front of me and hugged me "Jesse? What is it?" She woefully asked. I embraced her tightly. "Eh..?".."Petra, always be careful.. Don't let your guard down.. Understand me!?" I said in my crying tone. "..I will, Jesse. But please tell me.. Did he bcame stronger..?" As she asked, I nodded slowly. "Hey Petra, I am going to inform them about this..". "You better, Jesse. For their safety"..

Aiden's POV (Eh?? You complaining? Dont read then..)

Is it bad that I am spying on them on the middle of the night? I think it is.. Well I secretly care about them.. Mostly to Jesse since Lukas told me everything..

"Herobrine...they say.. He is one of the worst persons.. And he had gone more worse than I thought..? Well then.. I should be careful.. " I was about to walk home until a man who has no eyes appeared. "Hello there... Aiden" he greeted "How the hell you know my name!?" I summoned my Dark Jealousy (judge me by naming their swords and I'll judge your personality :v) sword... The man grinned "Heh... I know everybody here.. And probably everyone knows me..."

My eyes widened as I realize who is this man in front of me.. It was him.."Eh? It seems like you are jealous that Jesse became more victorious than you.."."No I wasn't!!" I glared at the man. "Admit it already.." He said annoyingly. I do get jealous about it. But, if he is going to plan something bad to Jesse, I wont let him. Jesse saved us all and it means a lot to me.

I sighed and spitted out the truth "Indeed I am jealous. But, it doesn't matter.." The man chuckled "Do you know that I can be very helpful to you?You might get something that is really rare."."And Jesse and the others deserves it!! What do you want really!?" I shouted at no one...

I looked around where Herobrine went. Until I felt very sleepy and fell on the ground unconciously


HERE'S THE BONUS CHAPTER! I'm sorry if it took too long. I was rushed by some people so it made me became lazy. Stay tuned for the Sequel!! ^^

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