Chapter 13 A Fight?

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!3rd Person!
As Petra pointed the blade infront of HeroSteve (Due to Steve is being controlled by Herobrine as mentioned on earlier chapter) he teleported beyond her to perform a slash attack. The young woman managed to dodge it by countering it immediately by her sword. The man teleported again but this time, on the top of Petra's head readying to stab her head. Petra quickly hits the sword by a sudden force. The blade of the man fell to the ground. Petra ran and picked up the sword for a dual wielding yet...She felt that she can barely move.

'Hehehe...Love my trap..?' She noticed that as the man clenched his fist. She started to suffer from choking. 'Five minutes..already done? Hehehe who are you kidding?' He teased. He thought that this will end by this. Petra knew her right hand can move so, she created a shockwave by stabbing the sword on the ground. The tight grip on her neck was gone. While HeroSteve was affected by the charge. "Like hell it will be that easy, ignorant noob." Petra teased back. 'Look who's talking? It is the noob who is talking..'. "I dont really know why I am fighting you. My only intention here is to only make you give up..". 'Too bad...I WONT GIVE UP' The also controlled person does a very dangerous attack. He is doing every attack that he can in a very non stop way. This made Petra remember an event. When Ivor was using a potion of swiftness and continously attacking her. This isn't making her weak. She remembered how Jesse countered the attack. She did a mid. spinning attack which made the man fell. Petra stabbed the dangerous dark sword that is wielded by the man. It vanished. The man tried to summon it yet, there's no avail of getting it back. Petra walked infront of HeroSteve and once again pointed the blade in front of his face "...You really sure are a stubborn one...You've forced me the action that I dont want to do.." she said calmly. 'Non sense! You cant force me a single action. Which also makes you stubborn.' He responded back roughly. Petra is about to stab the guy. 'Double think your actions, Naive Being.. Do you think I am weak now? Let's just hope that you still survive'..'Remember..if you stab me, YOU WILL DIE..' He threatened. But Petra gives no care. She gave the man a long deep wound on his shoulder as a sign of she dont really care. "Go ahead, kill me if you can...". The man teleported infront of her face giving this dull glare. It didn't affect her.. 'You're going to regret what you just did weakling...' Petra knew that she will get stab. She also knew that he is off guard so she stabbed him. The man is curious how Petra knew...

"If my auditory faculties is quite excellent so do my optic nerve...I sincerely apologize against my blunt actions..."

She pulled out the sword to the man. The man started fading. Yet, before he fully fades, he gave a scar at the forehead of the woman. This might be what Alex is saying. The temporary side effect.

'Reminder...that isn't a normal scar....Just wait the effects....Go, before you get stuck here...FOREVER' And he fully disappeared.

Petra saw the way out and runs towards it. Yet, she noticed, she feels, dizzy, heavy, and sleepy. Her pace is slightly sluggish. This might be the effects of the scar. 'Almost...there..' She said as her vision became blurry. She felt that, she had fell due to those things she suffers from..

Sorry....I am trying my best to get back my interest against to this story. (And also I got really STRESSED against Wattpad corrupting Chapter 13 Quintaple times!) I am also sorry if this is short...Chapter 14? When I feel to do it, okay? I want that chapter to be fine as my happy mood...

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