Chapter 7

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Jesse's P.O.V

Yesterday, I had created such scene.. I couldn't tell to Petra the another reason why I became..this violent. That one more essential reason is, I am being controlled by someone. Why I didn't tell her? I just follow that one rule. 'Do not tell it to Petra. Or, she will suffer'. I really wanted to say it to her but, I don't want to see her getting hurt. Why did I let myself to get controlled by someone? It's an essential reason. I looked at the window..The view is bright as how my old self is bright.. I heard someone knocking to the fixed trapdoor. I saw an orange hair clip which means, it's my sister, Jess. I opened the trapdoor and helped her up. Petra mentioned she got sprained as they ran way here to my hut yesterday. "So, did you tell her?" My sister interrogated. "I did. Yet, just the false reason." I said as my voice is getting weak. Jess facepalmed as a sign of very disappointed. She hold my shoulders and shaked me "Brother, wake up! You need to say the essential one not the false one!" Her voice is really deadly when being serious. "Are you an idiot? What if I tell you that she will be in great danger when I say it?" I pushed her away lightly, glaring at her a bit. "What do you mean 'in great danger'?" She questioned. "Oh yeah..I didn't tell you this.. If I say to Petra that one essential reason, she'll be very screwed. And, it will be my fault!" I shouted. "Then, why you did not tell me!? I'll be the one who will say it to her!" My sister is really a genious when it comes to common sense.. But wait...If I say it to my sister and she says it to Petra..Does that mean they'll be in a big danger? I am not sure about this. "Sister, I wasn't sure how that rule works...Maybe, if I tell it to you then you tell it to her then, you both might be in danger." I said calmly. She hit herself on the head as a sign of I might be right. "How about this..say it to everyone so we'll be in- ouch!" I smacked her on the head. "Nope. We do not know yet what kind of danger it is."

"What do you mean by me will be in..danger?" I got startled as I see Petra, sitting in the flooring while her left hand is on to her chin. I could already feel I am panicking. "Oh shoot..How should I explain this." I mumbled quietly. "Jesse, please...tell me." She pleased calmly. "" Making up an excuse but, no avail due to..

"You see, he is being controlled by someone."

..Jess just said it. I glared at my sister for a moment and she just gave me the 'What?' look. I glance at Petra. She is glaring at me. "Why you didn't tell the truth earlier?" She said in her most deadliest tone. I looked at her brown worried eyes. "Because, you'll be in great danger. And I do not know what kind of danger it is!". "You still need to tell me the truth even it will risk my life or not!!" She shouted. I felt my sister went to my bed. She got frightened about Petra's current personality. "Is this also a cause of your dark side!?" She questioned and I nodded slowly. She held my colar and her glare became more deadly. "Why did you let yourself get controlled!?" Even her shout is way more deadly than before. I am all speechless. I never answer her question. She shaked me to wake up from my speechless self. "TELL--". I cut her of by my words "SO THAT I HAVE THE COURAGE TO SPEAK WITH YOU! SO THAT I WOULDN'T FORGET EVERYTHING!!" She got startled to my answer. "...You see, I never have the real courage to talk to you. And also I have the most weakest memories.." I admitted. "If this person who is controlling me is seperated from me..I might forget everything.." I felt my voice become shaky. "And, since you knew about this now..You might be in--" I was cut off by Petra's embrace. "It doesn't matter what will happen to me..It doesn't matter if you forget about us..We can just make you remember all of it, right?" She said sadly. I hugged back and whispered "You are right...". I looked at my sister "So, you both are included on the danger I am talking about?". "Well you see..I said it to Lukas, Axel, and Olivia." She smiled innocently while my eyes widened.

"WHAT!?" I screamed and Petra looked at me

"Don't overreact please, Jesse? It's like we will take off our guard" She said to me weakly wnd I just patted her head. "So by chances..what is the name of the person who is controlling you?" She asked.

"The person's name is....." Huh? What the hell? I am saying it but, the name isn't revealing. I am being mute when I force to say it! "Jesse? The name of the person?". "Brother?". "Weird, it is muting me when I am forcing to say it." I said to them. "How about, writting it, brother?" Jess handed me a pen and paper. I took the pen and tried to write the name. But, it's like locked. I tried my right hand to write it. But, it is also the same. "It is also not working. I tried both of my hands!" I said. "Silent language it brother!". I tried but.."No avail..whatever we do, it will never work." My voice saddened.

"Impossible. I know there's a way.." Petra said.

"Imbeciles" We heard someone spoke

"Petra, Jess you both heard that?!" I asked and nodded.

"You do not know what kind of danger awaits you. Mostly you, Petra.." the voice chuckled. it's voice is really hard to explain.

"And so what!?" Petra responded.

"Fool. This is not a joke.."

I felt Petra's heart getting hurt. How did I knew tho? I quickly looked at her..And she is about to fall and I quickly catched her.

"See? I told you this isn't a joke.." once again the voice chuckled.

"I swear to everything....if you dare to make're going to rot in....hell.." Petra said weakly.

"If you can neophyte...I'll deal with you later..hehe..." the voice vanished.

"Jesse...always stay in your guard okay?" She said weakly. "No! You must be! You're the one's in danger..And, it's my fault..". " ddin't knew this is going to happen! It is no one's fault..!" She said..I notice she is about to regain her strength.

Damn I can take this curse off!? If only I wasn't being an idiot..

"You know brother and Petra, I know someone who can help us.." Jess finally spoke.

"Huh? Who?" Me and Petra said in unison.

"...A person named Alex." She said.

"...Alex...?" That name is..deeply familiar.

Chapter 7's finish! Chapter 8? Wait for it :) Signing off!

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