Chapter 14: Dont Leave Me..

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(EDIT: This chapter is 'THE END PART 1' I just changed the title..And also, Wattpad suddenly unpublished this. *sighs* Oh well. I double check some typos and added some small lines at the end.)

Jesse's POV

Huh?? What is this feeling? This burden feelings suddenly flushed away...I feel..happy and free. But for some reason, I dont feel like...I remember anything..Wait...what is this..? I feel heart sunk? What happened?

Dont Forget Everything!

Who said that? Who are you? What is going on..? Where am I? Who am I??

You know who you are, Jesse..And you know who am I... I am the one who saved you..

Jesse?? Oh right...that is me..Now that the feminish voice mentioned it..There are some blurry memories that I am..being controlled by a monster? And she have met me? I cant remember her very much....who is she?

Look at your right wrist...

As the voice commanded..I really did look at it. It has gashes that is about to heal..Wait, I remember something about this..It's like my situation is getting worst on that moment...That's why I did it..I also remember there is this one guy who helped me...Lukas! It's Lukas who helped me! Wait...there's one girl also helped me.. Why I cant remember her name?

There's this one girl who tried to help you from your shyness..You know her...

Why the voice is helping me? Now that she mentioned about someone helping me from my shyness...I remember who she is..She is my sister Jess! The same girl as I mentioned earlier keep on popping..She made a very big role did she? I wonder..why I cant remember her name and face...

You have saved the world with this one important living thing... Yet, he vanished and all you did was to mourn about it...

Saved the world...Right, I remember that me and my friends defeated the Wither Storm! And I remember who I was with when I defeated it...the greatest pig of all time...Reuben.. He might not be here..But, he didn't disappear in my heart.. Now that I mentioned 'friends'..I remember who they are.. Lukas is included, of course Reuben too. There are two more..Or maybe...3? The girl I've mentioned earlier is still bothering me..Is she very special to me??

There are 2 friends that helped you from the beginning. The one has great knowledge against Redstone and the other one loves destructions...

Redstone genious...Olivia! The one who is a bit pessimistic yet, she is kind hearted..The other one is Axel..The clumsy type friend! Now that the voice mentioned 'Redstone' and 'Destruction' I remembered Ellegaard and Magnus.. And I also did remember that I recruit Magnus with Axel..It was chaos in that place...Boom Town was it? And I remember that Ellegaard had passed away because of the Wither Storm..those memories..Now that I've mentioned about Magnus and Ellegaard..I know they are included to some team..

One Member from that 'team' convinced you to reunite them..Their story is full of dull truth....They've defeated a creature by using a mysterious block....

Why is the voice telling me all of this? Who are you really? I wanted to know who you really are..One member....His name is Gabriel. Ellegaard and Magnus are included in that team. I remembered their name it is The Order Of The Stone.. By the dull truth..does that mean lies?Wait...I also remember that me and my friends are The New Order Of The Stone. I know the old order has 5 members..Who are the other two...Oh right..Ivor is the guy who created the wither storm and the one who left the order. And also...Soren is the one who used the command block to kill the..Ender Dragon..

There's a magical woman who helped you from your case..Everyone went to her puzzle house which took forever...

I still remember her..Her name is Alex.. What is the reason again I went there? Oh right, the body controllation was getting worse.. I also remember that the girl that keep on popping on my mind did something. But, that something..I can't really remember.. Who are you really? Why do you keep on bothering me?

It is time for me to know who you really are...please...tell me...

I was the one....
Who you have met back when we are young...
I had saved you from the time when you are surrounded with hostile mobs..
I was the one who jumped with you on a bridge. And our eyes met...
I was the one who got out from the clutches of the Wither Storm because of you
I was the one who recieved your kindness...
I was the one who snapped you out when you are mourning against your special pet so very much that it can affect everyone.
I was the one who tried to help you from everything that you are suffering back when you are controlled...
And I was the one who saved you from that massive controllation ..

All the things she said....This made me sad.. I feel tears are forming to my eyes...And it started falling. She really saved me..She is really special to me...VERY SPECIAL..Why?! Why I cant remember her name!? Why it is not letting me remember her face?! I had too! This girl...This girl the one I fell in love with! I remember....I remember that we both have a relationship. My memories against her is getting clear....Ginger hair, blue bandana, gorgeous brown eyes, white pale skin..That is not it, she is amazing with combat, she is loyal, she is...everything.... it's's....

Back to reality....

"PETRA!!" As I shouted, I noticed that everyone looked at me "Jesse! You--". "WHERE IS PETRA!?" I cutted off Lukas and he frowned..I noticed, there's a body that is thrown out of the is Petra... I stand, ran and catched her unconcious body..I could feel she is breathing but, why isn't she waking...

"PETRA! PETRA! WAKE UP!!!" I shouted very loud, I am crying while shaking her unconcious body...I saw everyone started crying excluding Alex..She just gave a frown..."My dear..this is the side effect..I sincerely apologize against this..."..My tears started falling again..."WHEN!? WHEN IS SHE GONNA WAKE..".."I am sorry..It would take her a month......"

I dropped on my knees, still holding the Unconcious Petra.. I hugged her tightly, sobbing, tears overflowing, calling out her name..."Petra.....Petra....I cant...I just cant...wait for a month....You are making me sad again....Petra, please....please dont leave me..."

Too bad sobbing and calling out wont do anything...My patience is driving me insane.... I wish...I wish she didn't just accepted it..Even I am all fine now, I still feel burden due to her being unconcious..I dont want her to leave me...I want her to stay awake and be with her, forever...

To Be Continued

Here is Chapter 14 or The End One! I hope you enjoy that! Last part? Please wait ^^

Fun Fact: I am listening 'Ikanaide' ('Dont Go') English ver. By Lizz when I am making this..

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