Chapter 10 Journey To Alex's

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Petra's POV
Here we go! A journey way to Alex's. Now that I mentioned it.. "Jess? How far is Alex??". "Oh she's just thousands of blocks away" Everyone except Jesse got surprised. Jesse's keep on giving a lot of poker face since earlier. "Then, why on earth are we walking!?" I asked. "Because, I know a shortcut!" Everyone except me and Jesse sighed in relief. I raised an eyebrow. "You sure?"."Yes, Petrie-poo!" She smirked and this made me annoyed. "What in the nether is that nickname for?". "Oh probably brother said that when he was drun--" Jesse's eyes widened and instantly covered his sibling's mouth. This is suspicious of him. "Nothing to know!" He shouted. Lukas tried to whisper something to my ear yet Mr. Green Eyes is genious enough to know what Mr. Blondie is planning. He smacked Lukas on to the head. I facepalmed as a sign of embarrassment. I quickly looked at Olivia and Axel and I instantly looked away because they're doing lovey dovey.. Notch, for the love of mercy, why I have the most weirdest friends exception to my boyfriend ever? For some reason, I enjoy their weirdness. Is it because they are always happy or it's just, I am also becoming weird? I do not really know. Suddenly, I felt a poke on to my shoulder. I looked around to see Jesse. "Hey Petra.." he greeted. "Oh, hello Jesse.". "Are you alright? It seems like you're in a deep thoughts." He asked worriedly. I stared at his green eyes..It's not really normal. It's really a dark and dull green eyes "You know, Jesse? I am the one who suppose to ask that. Your eyes is not the same as always.." I responded. "Do not worry, this curse will be cured once we got to Alex's" I added. Yet he frowned. "Petra, that's not it.." I am confused..What does he mean by it? "Once that I am cured..I..I might not remember all of it." He said weakly. I felt my heart sank after I heard that.

"I'll forget our awesome journey, my friends, my sister, this world, Reuben..and also you, Petra"

My mood saddened. Until I heard he said something that lifted up my spirit.. "You know, even I forget everything and it's really all erase in to my brain..Yet, it will transfer to my heart. And you can remind me all of that once that happens." As he said that, I felt a sappy smile formed from my lips and he also smiled back. "Hey everyone! We're here at the shortcut!" Jess shouted. "Huh? Where exactly?" Olivia raised and eyebrow. "I see nothing, Jess! You kidding around?" Axel shouted. I notice something on the stone ground..Is that..a button? I asked Jesse if he sees it and he nodded. What Lukas is doing? Hopping in excitement like a 5 yrs. old boy. "Here it is!" Jess stepped on the button that me and Jesse saw. A simple portal that is made out of prismarine blocks with a wonderful blue portal particles had appeared. "Cool-o-rama! Let's get in there!" Lukas said hopping excitedly. "Dude, let Jess lead! You don't know where will it ia located!" Axel shouted...again. Lukas pushed Jess inside of the portal which made our eyes widened. He is the one who entered next. Then Olivia and Axel. Jesse looked at me at the eyes "Here goes nothing" he hold my hand and we walk in to the portal

☆♡Time Skip By Jesse's Magical Suspenders♡☆

Jesse's POV
Finally, we're here in front of Alex's house. That small walk lead us to a gone wrong direction walk! If only Jess knows how to use a compass. Thanks to Lukas who is handy against compass. Probably Petra's ears and my ears were probably wrecked because of Axel and Lukas arguing like babies. But, Oh well, it doesn't matter now. As I was about to knock on the door, my sister stopped my hand. "What?" I asked. "That's not how you knock at Alex's door!". I narrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?!". "Shut up and lemme do it!" My sister annoyingly (is that even a word? XD) shouted. She placed her hand to the door and mumbles "Alex, we're nearby. Please open the door." And holy crap, it did open..I pinched Petra's cheek to check out if it's all real. "Ow! Chesshe, It hurtch...!" Oh wow, pinching her cheek makes her sound like that. "Oh, sorry. I am testing out if it's all real." I scratched the back of my head and she just nodded.

We entered to the house..It is simple yet, it's beautiful. My eyes suddenly stared at an embroidery which includes a pig and it's owner. And it abruptly reminded me of Reuben and..I...This made me sappy I am trying to convince myself to stop looking at the embroidery which, really failed. Until, Petra snapped me by hugging me. "Jesse, I know..It's really hard to not look at it. But, we need to get going to where Alex is. And we might get lost if we didn't follow Jess. This house is simple. Yet, according to your sister, it is a puzzle house that she'd been through when she got here before..". I patted her head as a sign of appreciation. And we went were the others are.

♡☆ Another Time Skip! But this time, with Lukas' Awesome Blond Somewhat Spiky Hair!!!!☆♡

"Jessica.." Lukas addresses Jess' real 1st name (Yup F!Jesse's full first name here is Jessica. xD) "Yes, Lukas?" She answered energetically. "How many times you've tried this puzzle house before?" I noticed that his eyes are somewhat twiching. Maybe because of it's been like 45 mins. we are doing the puzzle! "Oh, apparently it's about to finish. This is really part of her house. On my 1st try, it's like I'm 3 hours wasting my time for this easy puzzle. According to her this is a 50 mins. puzzle." Lukas is just there mouth wide opened. His reaction changed when the place kinda experienced an earthquake. Olivia fainted and Axel helped the fainted Olivia. "Geez, do not worry, it normally does that when you finish the puzzle." She keeps doing her energetic smiles which means the opposite. We notice that the bookshelves split in half. Inside of a room with a woman sitting on a chair. "Greetings, Alex. I once again needed your help." Jess said it seriously and politely. "Oh, it's been awhile my dear, Jessica. So what's the help that you needed from me?" Alex said it in a mother-ish style..She reminds me of my mom.. "It's about the guy who is controlling Jesse..It gone worse and it's making him slow to understand situations like..moving on, being happy or...anything else..He want the guy who's controlling him to fade from his body."

CHAPTER 10 DONE! I think that's what I only going to say xD

P.S. The end of the line is near ;)

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