Chapter 4

990 31 15

Jesse's POV

I was sleeping peacefully until I was bothered by someone that's poking me. I suppose that, it is Petra who's bothering me. I did my 'sleeping with my eyes a bit open' technique to scan if it's really her.

Holy molly..

It was really her.


WHY ON EARTH SHE IS BOTHERING ME 4:00 IN THE MORNING!? 'God, she's excited to know the answer' As my mind spoke in its depressed tone.

"Good Morning" she greeted. Wait, she knew I am awake?

Petra is a spy... (Any idea what game refference I did? XD)

"I already knew that you are awake." She added. I groaned because I fell out of the bed. "How..though..?" I interrogated with my still tired and lazy tone.

"Axel told me when your eyes were half open, you are awake. And also when you make this grumpy face." She said with this smirk on her face. "By the way, we need to--" I cutted off Petra by saying. "I need to eat food." As I said it, she points something that is next to me.

"She did all of this just to answer it A.S.A.P!?". "Olivia told me she was a great cook. So yeah...I am curious about it".

I lazily get the fork. And I recieved a weak smack on the head. "You must not eat while you are on the ground, lying." She scolded me with this sign of annoyance tone. "I know..Yet I am lazy to get up." I answered lazily.

"Lazy Bum." She teased. "The Girl That Has Bandana Fetish." I teased back. "That makes you a Suspender Fetish. You always wants us to put suspenders if it does look good to us. Even to bald head Magnus." she fought back. "Wait, did Magnus has to deal with this whole teasing thing!? The guy's been emotional due to Ellegaard's de-- Ow! Stop smaking me!" I angrily said while she is smaking me continuously.

"Just get up and eat your breakfast." Petra murmured."Wow, so very forceful, Petra.".

"Now this makes me wonder....does she likes me? I mean...she's been acting strange lately when I am talking to her.. She's been visiting me a lot after the Witherstorm defeated.. It's gotta be it." I had thought seriously and started to eat my breakfast. "Olivia was right...It's really delicious."

After eating that wonderfully cooked breakfast, I had my face serious so that she will not thought that I am fooling around. "Okay I will really tell the reason...Why you are the one that's making me happy." She did not respond which made me continue on talking. Though there was this hesitation on my mind. It's like stopping me to tell the truth. But, I really need to say this. After all, she helped me alot.


I also like her..

Wait not like...


I took a deep breath, and I stand with my own feet, I had started to walk around so I can think clearly. After 30 seconds, I had start explaining.. "You see, back when you saved me from that spider, I really couldn't just let that one out of my mind because, I could have been dead right now without your help. And, you had showed to me that you are extremely brave. I mean, most likely girls will scream then runs away. But, you've been very unique." I am walking back and forth to think those memorable memories. I could feel she's staring at me in surprise. She had lost her words.
"Another reason is, the way you act among everybody is always fair. I haven't know someone except you being like that." I added with this calm tone of my voice. "But, what about Olivia?" She asked and I sighed. "You see Olivia is very much different than you thought. She is this one thing called "Know It All". And her faith is not like your faith level." I explained as I feel Petra is blushing. "I-Is that i-". "No. Not yet finish." I cut her off immediately. "Ya know, I gotta admit that, you look cute when you are getting mad or flustered. It reminds me of those days when I was a child. But when you cry, like I told you before, I feel my whole body is weak and shaking. Because the way you cry..Reminds me of Reuben calling for help..." I feel tears forming to my eyes. I couldn't take it really. I couldn't move on easily. I could sense Petra is frowning. I had go towards her and sat just infront of her. Her face was drained, "Shoot.. I think it affects her.." I thought

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