Chapter 1 (REMAKE)

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Jesse's POV

"Move On"

That's the word Axel, Olivia and Lukas said to me.

Easy to say, hard to do in action.

They just thought it is really easy?

What if I make them feel like how I feel?

What my point is..

It's hard for me to just forget everything...

Mostly because of my pet Reuben...

And to those people who passed away while that event was present.

Well not just that...

I am also being controlled

By a monster who made me feel the word...


But one had stayed by my side...


She tried to help me from those events which slowly making me to move on...

But on the same time...I was suffering from my deadly depression.

The effects of this...

Is too burden for me....

My heart is getting weak..

At the same time, I wanted to be free..

Why do I feel like this?

I feel like, he is making me give up my life..


Why did I let him control me..?

Now, I just want to take back my decision..

Too bad I was too late...


I heard someone calling me..

Though, my mind is still disconnected to the world...


the's shaking me..

The voice is so unfamiliar...

It's voice has a deadly tone...

I couldn't tell if it's a male or female..

"Jesse, snap out!"

I really need to snap out...


Why I cant snap out..

I felt arms wrapped around me..

I could feel warm tears...

It is slowly making me to snap out..

What I saw is...

Petra embracing me while tears running to her cheeks...

I hugged back as a respond I am now in my senses.

Her tears became wild...

"You idiot! You made me deeply worried!! Dont be in such deep thoughts again!" as she yelled at me with her worried tone.. My mouth is dry as the desert. I couldn't think what to say...

To be contiued

Done Chapter 1. It's too short because I really have no time to do some fanfic. I dont know really when is my next update for this. I hope you enjoy this one! Signing off, folks!

MC:SM Fanfic- Mourn Monster ('Move On')Where stories live. Discover now