CH. 15 (Last Chapter/ End): EARLIER THAN I THOUGHT...

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3 weeks passed....
Jesse's POV
A month without her..It is sad. I am here at my hut, sitting on a chair, looking at the unconcious Petra sadly.. I am just here, waiting for her to wake up to give her a special thank you gift...She had done a very good work just to save me.. I wasn't like before..Anytime I remember anything that triggers me, I will violently shout or try to break some of my things... God those memories it made me laugh for a reason... Maybe because I act so immature? I heard someone knocking at the trapdoor. "It's open. Get in." It was Lukas and Jess. They grabbed a chair and sat next to me. "How is she??" My sister asked. "She is fine but..something happened earlier ago" I slightly smiled. "Huh? What is it?" Jess sounded surprised. "You see..her hand moved and she is calling my name and asking about my condition silently and weakly...". "Really!? Can you tell me when did you encounter it?" Lukas said cheerfully.

I was looking at the window. The clouds are shady.. It is also very windy. I looked at the unconcious Petra and asked myself when she'll wake up.. Until my sharp eyes noticed that her hand is slightly forming a fist.. I ran where she was and held her hand. "Petra?" I called out. She didn't either open her eyes or talk. What she only did was to also held my hand. "You are starting to wake...aren't you?" I sighed as a sign of relief. After I said that...I heard a very faint voice..


This made my tears form into my eyes. She is forcing herself to talk.. "Petra, dont worry! I am just here for you..." I sounded like I am about to cry..Man up, Jesse, Man up! "" This got me. My tears starts falling. "..You did well, my beautiful hero..You've saved me.." I lowered my head and sobbing came out of my mouth. My tears are overflowing. But this made me happy to know that she is starting to get senses...I waited for her answer tho, she didn't respond. I checked her pulse if it is beating and it is. Yet, it's beating pretty slow and you can barely feel it. According to Alex that the side effect makes her heart beat weak and slow. Yet, it will beat normally if she wakes...

End of Flashback
"Oh thank goodness!" Both Jess and Lukas said in unison. I could see their eyes are very watery. "You know Jesse, I got this feeling that she will wake earlier than we all thought." Lukas said calmly. "Huh? What made you say that?" I questioned him with this curiosity written on my face. "Like always, the earlier good signs shows up, the earlier the bigger effects of it will appear..I dont really know..But, that's our prediction against her doing those kind of hints." Blondie explained and my sister just nodded. "You might be right. Let's not be pessimistic in this one let's all be optimistic against this.. Petra doesn't want to see us being all very dramatic right?" I said while looking at the unconcious Petra with a sad smile written on my face. The two agreed about what I said. I noticed that my sister looked at her watch. "Oh, we've been here for like 30 mins." She and Lukas stand. "Jesse my brother, we will visit again later. Me and Lukas has to deal some stuffs." She added. I looked at them, raised an eyebrow and snickered. "..'deal some stuffs'...What kind of 'stuffs' exactly?" The two blush. "Woah! Jesse, dude! We aren't talking about THAT! But I gotta admit, that you're not Mr. Pessimistic anymore and started being your very optimistic usual self again.." Lukas chuckled lightly and Jess is just shock and is red as a tomato! "By the haven't forgotten everything right, brother?" Jess asked. "Of course not! Why? Do you think I'm still the Amnesiative Jesse? Petra helped me to remember everything.." The couple's eyes widened and looked at to each other and looked back to me. "HOW!?" I nearly forgot I didn't tell it to them. "Do you all remember I shouted Petra's name back when I woke up? On that moment, she was forcing me to remember everything. I never knew actually that she would do that.." I scratched my head and look down on the floor having this somewhat sad and happy expression. "Gee, I thought she will make you remember all of this after the curse.." Lukas mumbled yet me and my sibling heard it. "She's really a pretty strong woman.." Jess patted my back. "You are so very lucky to have this kind of girlfriend, my brother!". "Heh..yeah." I blush deeply. "We are really going now, bye Jesse!" Lukas held my sister's hand and went down to the trapdoor.

After they got down. I grabbed a book from one of my bookshelves. Until... I heard something move and somewhat groan.


It is not happening right? She didn't just...woke...right? I was just standing on the spot where I was..I am like a statue. I feel like I am going to be emotional. I already said that I must be optimistic..But, I couldn't feel anything but to be happy and sad on the same time! I felt the wind breeze became strong. I feel my eyes were pretty watery.

No One's POV
On that moment, Jesse is just there, double thinking if he's dreaming or not. While Petra still has the hazy features going on her head. Jesse tried to call out her name. Yet, he feels weak and wanted to stay silent. Petra's gorgeous brown eyes suddenly looked at Jesse's calming emerald eyes. "Jesse..?" Petra sounded both weak and sad. "Do you..still remember me??" She added but this time, her tone is like crying. Jesse's eyes widened and his tears started to fall.. Yet, he didnt leave any message. "Please answer..Je--"

Before Petra finish her sentence, the brunette ran to the ginger haired girl and pulled her into a passionate, warm hug. "Woah..Jesse..I..erm.." Petra is lost of words against this. "I miss you so much, Petra....Thank you...Thank you for everything..." Jesse said while his tone sounded very sad and crying. He started sobbing. Petra felt that her tears started falling and hugged Jesse back..She smiled sadly "I did all of that as a payback for everything you have done to me...I am really glad right before the curse got worse..I made you remember everything." Petra responded. "..I am really glad that you have woken up earlier than I thought..You dont know..Day and Night, I am just in a chair waiting for any good signs of you getting wake...I need no sleep. Because, maybe you'll wake when I am sleeping..." Jesse pulled away yet, his hands are in Petra's shoulders. Petra got shocked against it. "You didn't sleep?! Jesse, you dont need to do that..I dont want you to get over strained just like before..". "There's a reason why I didn't sleep.." Jesse held the girl's chin close to him. Petra started to feel her blush is getting more red. So does Jesse. "..And this is the reason.."

Jesse goes very close to Petra and kiss her passionately on the lips. Petra started kissing back and she pulled Jesse closer. Then, they both pulled away yet, their face are still close..

"...Jesse..".. "I..erm..y-you see..That's probably..a big Thank you gift f-for you..I..erm..A-and also we are both in a r-relationship right? S-So..." as Jesse stuttered, Petra started laughing softly. "H-Hey..That isn't-". "You're cute when you stutter you know that??" Petra said truthfully with this very gorgeous smile on her face. The guy with the suspenders' face started heating up again. "Heh..well you are cute when you laugh and smile..." Jesse said while having this small smile on his face and scratches his head. "Aaw, someone's being introvert?" Petra teased. "Hey now!" Jesse chuckled and pulled Petra again in a hug. "So, how many days I have been unconcious?" She asked. "You see, you are supposed to wake in a month but..You've woke earlier than I thought! It is probably just 3 weeks." And Jesse answered happily. "Oh..Well that's weird." Petra mentioned. "Nah, I am happy about it that you've woke earlier...". "Heh, agreed.." Petra smiled.

"By the way, Jesse.." Petra called out and Jesse looked at the woman "Hmm?" He received a quick kiss from Petra and the young woman looked away. Jesse smirked. "Someone being fluttered?". "Shut it!" Petra's cheeks are burning due to embarrassment.. "Jesse..I um..wub you!" She said in her childish voice. "Aaw, I love you too Petra.." Jesse said energetically. "D-Do you want to call everyone to gather here?". "Nah, let's do that tomorrow...I just wanted to be alone with you, Petra..." Jesse looked at the woman and he smiles sweetly. "You know? I agree with your decission, Jesse.." Petra looked back at him and gives a sheepish smile.

The End♡
There! The last chapter! I hope you have enjoyed this story even some bits of this sucks. You know? I feel like to do a Chapter 15.5 yet, I am not yet sure. Sequel? Not sure too...That's it for now...Bye! :)

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