Chapter 9

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Jesse's POV

"You need to know something that you did not know all along" my sister said as her voice went serious. "What do you mean?" I asked as she stared at me, worriedly. "Did you remember that you let yourself get controlled by someone?" She asked and I nodded. I mean, how I will forget it? I am still getting controlled. "Do you even know who is the one who planned it..?" Her voice started to trail off. I just shaked my head. Why is she asking all of this? "I know who's the one who planned all of this..." her voice become more fragile and sounded like she's about to cry. This is getting more suspicious. "Who is it, sister..?" I asked calmly. Her eyes widened as a sign of she is scared to say it and she looked away from me. She didn't answer. I call out her name yet, tears and hug is her response. "Sister...?". "I'm sorry! I am really sorry!!" She shouted with this frightened tone. "Huh? What do you--". "Don't you understand, Jesse!? Don't you understand why I am saying sorry!?" She shouted I glared at her. "I don't understand why you are saying--" I was cut off again. "I am the one who planned all of this!! I am the person that the guy was talking about!" She fell from her knees, lowering her head. I did remember him saying; 'A girl with orange hair clip'..Now that makes sense now.. "...Why? Why you did all of this??". "Brother, it hurts me if you act like nothing happened..And I am worried about your courage against talking to anyone else. That's why, I planned something that I now regret.." she said weakly. I felt anger and anxiousness. "When the very first time I asked you..You said you didn't know.". "I know that, brother! And it is the very worst decision I made.. Because of me, all of us were in a big danger.." she punched the flooring as a sign (took
me one week to noticed it said 'sin' xD) of she is really ashamed of herself.

"Sister, I really never knew..You'll lie to me." I said calmly and she stared at me with this fear all over her body. Eyes very puffy because of unstoppable tears. "But you know, I am not mad. Even after all of that. I am thanking you for trying to help. But ya know, the type of help that I wanted is only simple..Well, I did enjoy the journey I experienced. Though, I wanted this guy to get away from me." I added with this firm small smile on my face. "B-But it means you'll forget everything.." She said. I patted her head. "Sister, even I do not remember all of that, it remains in to my heart." I noticed she smiled yet, it is a very faint smile. "Besides, you can also remind all of this when the guy is seperated within me. So, do not worry, Jess." I added. "You know, you're right. Thanks and I am sorry my brother." She spoke weakly and I gave her a sibling hug. "It's alright, sister..Just dont do that again.."

Knock Knock

"Anyone here?" We heard Petra and Lukas. "Yeah! Hang on a sec!" I let my sister to just stay on where she is. And I went to the trapdoor to open it. The two entered to my hut. Petra sat on the floorings which she really gets use to sit than chairs. While Lukas..he went to my soft bed. Whispering 'so shoft'...something like that. "So, are we in time?" Petra asked. I checked on my clock and it's 6:00 AM. "Earlier I suppose. Now we only need to wait for Olivia and Axel." Now that I mentioned about them..I wonder if they are really getting along now. "Oh brother, have I ever mention ya about 'livia and Axel's relationship?".."Ermm.. no..why?" That really got my interest. "Because, they are in a relationship" My eyes went wide. Petra accidentally spilled her drink to Lukas. While Lukas threw the pillow outside of the hut. Oh he's dead already..

"WHAT!?" All of us exclude my sister shouted the same word.

"Lukas! You threw my pillow out of my hut!" I shouted. "While your girlfriend spilled her drink to me!" He shouted back. "Not my fault! That news is really interesting!" She shouted too. Jess is just there, laughing and rolling on the ground. "Immature of you all!" She said in struggle because of her laughter. Well at least, she isn't sad anymore. "So do you!' Petra said, smirking.

"Hey, we both heard all of that!" We got startled when we saw Olivia and Axel sitting on the floor while their hands were onto their own chin. Reminds me of Petra witnessing the truth..

"What the-?! You both were magical or something?!" Lukas shouted. "No." A straight answer from Olivia. I noticed that Axel's hand has my pillow and he threw it on my soft bed. "I am really getting impatient about this. Can we go where that Alex dude is?!" Axel said impatiently. "Pardon, Alex's a girl" Jess coughed. "Ya know, for my boyfriend's sake, the earlier the better." I slightly blush when Petra said that. All of them were looking at me and Petra.

"What?" Me and Petra said in unison.

"You both were really meant to be!" The rest said. I sighed and Petra facepalmed.

"Let's go now everyone!" I invited. And they all accept my invitation.

That's Chapter 9! Hope ya enjoy that. Chapter 10? Who knows when I'll update that. Signing off! :D

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