Chapter 12 I've Found You, Monster

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Petra's POV

When I entered the portal, something doesn't feel right. The athmosphere was really fresh until, it is becoming dull and dim.. It is affecting my feelings, my vision, and my strength..I felt like my eyes are really watery and blury, massive chills running down to my spine, lack of breathing and also, a heavy pain on my head that is making me dizzy and sleepy..I suppose, this is the things he is currently feeling..I also notice my clothing is different. I'm wearing my normal indigo shirt yet, I have a dark violet sweater. And..what is this on my neck? A..cravat??..Oh well..Currently, I feel sad and weak..I look around to see.. some kind of shattered glass path. It isn't me who is in the reflection..It is a crying Jesse, angry Jesse, and emotionless Jesse.. I look up and I see nothing but darkness with a mixture of white-ish fog..Is the white fog is the remaining hope of his? Now..I clearly understand what will happen if I decline it.. As I walk further, I notice that there are whispers saying 'It Hurts', 'Help', 'Very Much', 'My Feelings To', and the most recognizable word..'Move On'. It probably means something. But, I couldn't figure it out due to the fact that the masive head pain is making me not to think everything. I am forcing myself to walk forward from those heavy feelings I am experiencing. Until..


...I heard laughing...

'Can you find me?"."You think...I don't?...I can.." I said as I feel everything is getting worse. 'Hmmph..Let's see then..' As more chills running in my spine, I saw some..hostile mobs...But, those hostile mobs' skin tone.. Is like a ghost tone...I tried to draw the sword that Alex gave me behind my back but, it didn't work. But, when I swung my right hand, the sword appeared.. "Well, that's unique..Let's see how strong you are..." I slashed a creeper and it died and made a shock wave up to 4 blocks. I stabbed the sword at the ground and it created a massive shock wave which really surprised me. "Well, this is really strong..I should be careful about using this.." After fighting somewhat ghost skin tone hostile mobs..My sword suddenly disappears. "Oh, it can sense when I'm done fighting..Cool" I talked to myself

☆☆Le TimeSkip Appears By, Soren's Majestic Hair & Beard☆☆

!3rd Person!

Petra was walking for like hours now. Until, she noticed..It is really getting more darker and really scary. Well that's not it..She saw the guy that she's been searching for. As she saw his face, she glared in a very darting way.

"I have found" Petra said as her voice went deadly. He grinned 'Well, Well, Well..Look what we have here..A special 'guest'...' This made Petra a bit irritated and slowly swung her hand to summon her weapon. 'It is a Pathetic, ignorant, and neophyte girl!' He added. Petra already summoned her weapon as he was talking trash against her. 'You thought you can defeat me? *laughs in psychotic way* HOW PATHETIC!' He continued talking. It is seems like Petra doesn't really respond to his insultments. 'Hey, why aren't you responding? *chuckles* Are you a deaf?' He teased again. But this time, Petra didn't stayed silent.

"No, not at all.." she said as she is walking towards to the guy "..My auditory faculties are quite excellent..." she continues walking.. "I just deem discourse of intellect with an ignoramous.." she stopped and points the sword in front of his face with no regrets or fear shown on her face.

" be of little merit..".

THERE WE GO! CHAPTER 12! DING DING DING! I hope you enjoy this one. Sorry if it's short. Chapter 13 might take 4/5 days due to, I'll be planning it a lot xD So, good bye for now!! ^^

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