A/N: Okay Let's Talk About Something..

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(Pic On the Top Made By: Me xD Well it is somewhat relevant to my title. Due to they are talking about something XD)

Heya! Random_Rengeki here..First of, I would like to thank you all for the 6.12K reads ^^ Which is one of my reasons to continue this story alongside to those people who keeps on waiting for the CHAPTERS. It makes me happy when people enjoys my story.

Now, I am here to talk about....The Sequel. It might take for a while to do the sequel due to.. School (My time is 10:00-5:00 (Monday) 9:00-5:00 (Tuesday) 8:00-5:00 (Wed-Fri)..which is pretty rough) And I am thinking if am I going to do it after Episodes 7 & 8 releases or before the two Episodes releases??. (Now that's one of my questions...PLEASE answer that :D)

Because there was this one feeling that is bothering me in my mind that someone might die. And it will no longer fit the story that the dead character will be Alive in the sequel.

2nd thing. I have this plan to put some new characters that is from MigzDaFox 's OC and my OC which has a 70% major and 30% minor importance. I am going to ask you...Should I include them or Just let the story goes with no unique characters? PLEASE answer this one...

And also! Some of the characters of MC:SM will be included. Like, Aiden, Isa, and Milo..I am not yet sure for the Isa and Milo part (and also the rest). But, the Aiden part is already in the 'Yes' room.

Main Lead you asked? Both Jesse and Petra of course! XD

Oh and also, Do you want me to put an extra Chapter? (15.5) in this story? Just comment down! XD

If You Have Any Questions, Dont Be Shy And Comment Down Your Question! Or if you are really shy, just Private Message me ^^

-Sincerely The Host...WAIT NO! IT IS SUPPOSE TO BE Random_Rengeki!

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