Chapter 6.5

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Continuation Of Chapter 6.0

Back To Normal (a.k.a not flashback)

Petra's P.O.V

'You're not going to do that right?!'

'Lukas isn't saying the truth right!?'

'What the hell is in your mind Jesse!?'


That's what I currently feel. I am only focused to Jesse and no one else. My vision is all dark, I felt a very cold breeze, I felt my pace is becoming sluggish. I nearly forgot that Jess is with me. Probably she is really worried about her brother. But, I am more worried than the rest of them. I dont want to lose him. I dont want to lose grip of my responsibilities..Silence and wild running is what I hear until Jess spoke. "Petra...please tell me what happened to my brother..I dont want to faint in his hut. I dont want Lukas to explain it..I want to know it now." Her tone is very deadly when she spoke. I know it's a sign of she might draw her sword and have to duel me so that she can know the truth. I stopped running for a moment and hold her shoulders as a sign of I am only going to say it once.

"Look, Jess, do you know about how he feels when he lose Reuben!? How everything became traumatizing!?" She frowned and nodded slowly. "It affected him! He cant move on! And most of all, the more he tries, the more he becomes violent! Get it now!?" I said as I noticed my voice is raising. I could see her eyes forming tears. "Is......Is..he..dea-". "No! Jesse is not yet dead! Why on earth would you think about that!? You should be thinking postively since you are his sibling!" I snapped out. I feel both panic and anger. "P-Petra, I'm s-so.. *hic*..rry!" She said as her tone being weak and tears falling to her cheeks. God, I do not know what is up on to my mind shouting at her like that. It isn't her fault in the first place... "No! You don't need to say that! It's my fault I cant control my emotions. You know what really mattered!? Jesse! We're almost there so, do not worry!" I hold her wrist tightly and ran way to the hut. I could feel I am now dragging her instead of she is using her feet to run.

Time Skip By Petra's Magical Bandanna☆♡

Here we are, on the bottom of the...broken trap door. Probably Lukas broke it. I am really scared to know it. But I need to because, he needs me. I could feel I am frozen. I am trying to climb up but, I just cant. I am getting weak. "P-Petra, if you cant go inside of the hut, I'll call--" she was interrupted by Lukas. "Petra finally! Do you need help? It seems like--". "No, I am fine! It is Jess who needed help.". "Huh? What do you--" I cut her off by my glare. "I better hurry now" I thought to myself. I felt my body is concious again and climbed up.. Lukas helped Jess to climb up because she kinda did get a faint sprain when we ran.

I scanned the room quickly and...I spotted Jesse. I ran immediately to him, hugging him tightly. I already feel tears where falling into my cheeks. It is so unstoppable.. Sobbing, whinning what I mostly hear to myself. Well not just me.. I could feel his sister crying too who was comforted by Lukas. I stared at Jesse who has this dull emotion."WHY!? WHY ON EARTH DID YOU DO THAT!?" My voice is trembling in anxiousness. "D-DO YOU E-EVEN KNOW I-IT CAN KILL YOU!? AND IF YOU GET YOURSELF KILLED, I...I-" I couldn't continue it. I felt that pain again..That pain that can mostly make me weak. I am waiting for an answer but nothing..


I heard a faint mumble. Is it weird I am the only one who heard that? Because the other two didn't hear it. I know Lukas has the type of ears that can hear anything with a faint voice.. But, it's just really me who heard it. I looked at Jesse and asked if he is the one who said that and he nodded. I noticed that he looked at Jess and Lukas then, he plead the two silently to go out of his hut..Which the two really did. "So, he only wants one on one conversation.. I understand that. He doesn't want any of this to be so very awkward". "Petra, I am really sorry about all of this worse things happening..You see, I cannot control my dark side very well." He said calmly. "Dark side..?" I questioned. He put his left arm over to my shoulder while I rest my head on to his chest. "You see, things gone really worse started when all of it ended" from his tone, he is forcing to say all of it. Which made me feel bad.."I started to feel like..I failed a lot. He got killed because of me. Well not just him, lots of people I suppose.." he added. "From the effects of this..I have gone too violent to myself..Even, you are trying to help or even everyone. Who knows what will happen next. I do not know if I will either be free or become...psychotic" As I heard the last part, this made me very scared, worried, and speechless. I am trying to make words but nothing is appearing. "Speechless huh? It's no problem..I mean, who wouldn't be surprised about it.." So, he is just waiting for an answer..Patient of him.

"Is there anyway your 'dark side' can be taken off?" I asked calmly and he just shaked his head as a sign of the answer 'No'. "But, who knows..Maybe there is." He said in his somewhat positive tone which I really like. "By the way, how's the..deep gashes that Lukas patched up." I asked worrily. It sounded like I am really about to cry...again. I've been crying a lot now. Which is not like me. "Oh that, he did pretty well about patching it. You know what's weird? I didn't yelp while it is being patched up.". I was surprised that he was that brave. " dont know what to say about this." Still speechless..This kind of events makes me speechless.

"For sure he is really traumatized from all he had saw. Probably, that'll be me if I am the first one who saw it. Yet my reaction would be more worse.." I said trying not to sound like I am about to cry. Yet, no avail. He knew I am about to cry. He hugged me firmly. "There, there, Petra. I really did worry you this much.. I am really sorry. Well at least I am calmed down now, right?" He said with his voice a bit shakey. "It's just, I am still afraid maybe that will happen once again but..more worse scene. I couldn't take it" My tears started falling again. I really dont wanna lose him again.

I'll make sure that I'll find the real solution. To his deadly depression.....

Gah! Finally my memories remember all of it! Thanks to my closet (Yup head bang myself there) Probably this one is kinda long. Chapter 7? I do not know. Might not be early again. We will be having a family trip tomorrow and I do not know when will it end. So please once more, wait patiently! :D I am trying my best just to update this story.
Signing off!!

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