Chapter 6.0 Gone Worse (Remake)

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This will be 2 parts

EDIT: I took off the cuss words it's because of I was really mad at my sister when I am making this. I also took off that one thing about how Jesse harmed himself.

Few days has passed since Petra and Jesse confessed to each other and have a relationship.

Does that mean Jesse can move on now?


Petra is running way to the young man's hut. And she thought something to her mind while her pace is getting fast.

She is worried about something. Lukas said something to her that deeply made her very anxious.

'You're not going to do that right?!'

'Lukas isn't saying the truth right!?'

'What the hell is in your mind Jesse!?'

What Lukas did to make Petra this anxious?


Lukas' POV

Today, I had thought that, it is a great day to visit Jesse. Until when I am half way to his hut..

I heard a loud scream....

...That sounded like him.

I quickly ran to his hut and climbed very fast. I almost slip but, it doesn't matter. I busted the trapdoor that it broke. 'I better fix that later' I thought. When I am inside the hut....

I stepped on something..It's liquid. 'Did he pee?' I joked but, I think it isn't the time to joke. When I looked on my shoes...

What I saw liquid...

I can barely talk.. I feel my body is numb.. I am getting out of breath. I followed the trail of it and what I see is...

Jesse, sitting over a corner. His emotion's really blank as the not use paper. And I notice something that really got me more worried.

His right wrist...has deep wounds.

As I knew on what the flipping hell he had done to himself, I quickly grab a clean cloth to stop the bleeding.

"What the actual heck are you doing Jesse!? You will make Petra worried as heck!!" I yelled in my worried tone. No response.. "I know I kinda did force you to just move on, but, You dont have to freaking do this!! Your friends will be worried sick! If you ask me, I am worried too much, bro!"

".....It's getting worse....." he responded. Huh? What worse? "The more I try to move on...The more I" he said with his weak and no emotion tone. "Then we will help you to move on by not forcing you! I am your friend, Jesse, I will make sure you will not do such thing again!" I believe I can feel my manly tears were forming.. As I feel his bleeding stopped, I go grab the alcohol (not the drink. The hand sanitizer one)
And once again get a clean cloth. I knew that it will be hurtful so I warned him. But, no response. When I put the cloth with the alcohol in it, I am really surprised he didnt yelp.

Then I grab the sterile bandage and put it in his deeply wounded wrist. "What the hell, Jesse? What did you took yesterday!?" I asked in a worried tone yet, I think I had mumbled it.


Wait, he heard me?


He took Petra?! Wait does he mean...

"....I need Petra.."

Oh, I got the wrong term.. I thought he hears what I said. If that's what Jesse wants then..I'll contact Petra...

"Hello? Petra speaking."

"Petra go here, pronto!"

"Where 'here'? Your house? Did ocelots pooped in your hou--"

"No time for jokes! Go to Jesse's hut now as in now!!"

"Huh? What happened to Jesse?!"

"Five words short story! Your boyfriend had gone insane!"

"Insane?! How!? Tell me!"

"When I climbed up and stepped on the floor..I stepped on a red liquid.."

"Red liquid...? You mean...."

When I notice Petra's voice is trailling off, I didn't continue until she pleased me. The way she pleased me...She is really crying.

" is the thing that you think.." I trailed off. I am so scared to say the next one.

"Where part of his body was that came from....?"

This made me more scared. Took me 3 minutes to answer..

"It's from....his wrist.." My voice weakened


"Petra! Enough! Just go here now! He freaking needs you! Dont worry I first ai--"

I was cut off by the phone's beeping. She already off the phone.

Still Flashback
Petra's POV

I really couldn't tell how fast I am running way to my beloved person's hut. Probably my mind is all focused to him. I am crying while I was running.
'Stay calm self! Jesse's not going to die! Not yet!' My thoughts was giving me many butterflies in my stomach (it means 'very nervous') I could feel I am getting out of breath but, no one can stop me! I need to freaking see him! He needs me!

I've been away for only 2 days you became like that! Dont leave me yet, Jesse, not yet!

What the hell am I thinking!? He isn't going to die!


I stopped for a little and see Jess (That's F! Jesse. M! and F!Jesse will be siblings in this one. IDK what on earth is wrong with me.)

"What's with the hurry? Oh and is there any chances you see Lu--" I abruptly grabbed her arm and ran with her this time.

"Lukas is on your brother's hut. This one is important so go with me!" I said in my sharp tone, still crying. "What happened to my brother?" She asked worriedly.

"...Lukas will explain it once we get there!"

I am a coward. I cant say those easily...

To be continued
Wow..I never knew how many cuss words I put when I am really having a bad time. So, here's a little remake. If you thought 'hell' is a cuss word, it is not. I hope this doesn't affect Chapter 6.5. Signin' off m8! :D

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