Chapter 11 Essential Decision

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No One's POV
"My dear, I think it will be very dangerous to proceed on how to take it off.." The orange haired woman said worriedly. "Whatever it is, I will face it." Jesse said with no regrets. "But dude, you dont know yet who is needed to take that body controlation off!" Axel pointed out. "Axel's right, Jesse.. And you do not know how difficult it is!" Lukas said worriedly. The brunette glared at both Lukas and Axel. "Ya know I said 'whatever it is' right?!". "My dear, what if I tell you it's your precious Petra is needed?" Alex asked quickly. Everyone including Jesse got surprised. They looked at Petra worriedly "..Why me?.." Petra's voice trailled off. "My dear, from my investigations, you are his very precious person.. And you also knew all of it.." Alex explained. This made everyone saddened. "..How will I do it?" Petra asked and Alex sighed as a sign of being affected by the saddened athmosphere. "I apologize, dear. You'll know it if you agree to help your precious person..". "Is she going to accept it..?" Jesse mumbled to his mind. "We will be waiting for your answer, my dear.." Alex said peacefully yet in a sad tone. "So, if I do all of it..Is he gonna get over to it? Is he not gonna suffer again..?" Petra once again asked and Alex nodded truthfully. "Tho, my dear, it has a temporary side effect." The girl with a blue bandana and the others stared at Alex in shock. "What kind of side effect?" Lukas questioned, panicking. "My knowledge doesn't know..I am sorry." Alex lowered her head. "Is it just me who is needed?". "No, also your precious Jesse..He needs to be in a deep sleep so you can save him." Alex told. "You can take your time for this decision, my dear" Alex calmly added. "It's a very essential decision. Choose wisely okay, Petra?" Olivia anxiously told. "I will, Olivia.." Petra lowered her head and thinks about the situation "If I didn't help Jesse in this...His violence against himself will be more extreme and he will not fastly move on..If I choose to help him..He can be free yet, he might forget all of us..And there will be a temporary side effect to me..This is a very tough decision." Petra's been thinking hard for like staight 5 minutes..Everyone is really getting anxious against what her decision will be mostly Jesse. He hopes that, she doesn't accept it even, he is in a very great danger. "That's it..Like just Jesse said; 'Whatever it is, I will face it.' I am accepting it." Petra looked at Jesse seriously which means she accepts it. Jesse lowered his head as a sign of his hopes became opposite. The girl that he has a relationship with will be in danger so do him. "Why, Petra?" The guy with the red suspenders asked. Petra smiled and answered; "Because, I wouldn't let you suffer a lot and I want you to move on in a normal way.. I had enough with one trouble you have done to yourself. I dont care if you lose your memory..I will make you remember all of those wonderful journeys that we had experienced... And, I dont want you to be alone when it comes to the word 'danger'.. We are going to deal with it, together.." Jesse could feel that sappy emotion. He embraced Petra... "To be honest..I wanted you to say no.." he whispered to Petra's ear. "I dont want you to get hurt..." he added and he hugged her tightly. "Well, you can't stop me from my decision. And you did say whatever it is, you will face it..right? So, I'll face it too.." she responded. "It's alright, Jesse. If you've handle a witherstorm, I can handle that guy.." she added and took off Jesse's arms. "Look Petra, this guy is no joke.." Jess said sadly. The girl with blue bandana face Jesse's sister. "That means, my decision is no joke too..". "You know, If only I didn't..*sniffles*..became an idiot..This..this.. will..n-never..*sobs*" Jess started to cry and Petra gave her a friendly comfort hug. "There, there..It's alright, Jess.. There is no problem..You didn't know all of this would happen." Petra pulled away instantly because of maybe the blonde will get jealous. And gladly he wasn't..

"Jesse, Petra..are you both ready to face the dangerous decision..?" Alex asked calmly. The two made an eye to eye contact to each other and they face to Alex. "Indeed.." they said in unison. Petra is about to pull out her enchanted golden sword yet, Alex stopped her. She handed out a somewhat enchanted emerald sword. Petra raise an eyebrow as a sign of confusion. "Your sword can kill the 4 of you.. This sword can cast them away without you both getting killed..". She took the sword and it reminds her something. She took a quick glance to Jesse's eyes..It did resemble to the young man's eyes. Yet, Jesse noticed her glance. "Petra?". "I-It's nothing's just..the sword resembles to your eyes.." she said shyly. She inspects the sword again. And she noticed that it's design is pretty unique than the other swords.. "Jesse, is it now alright to summon you a numb spell..?" Jesse nodded. He looked at Petra and mumbles 'Good luck, my sweet warrior' the young woman figured out what he just said before he fell down and his eyes close. Petra can feel tears are forming into her eyes Olivia and Jess comforted her. "Remember your main mission, Petra..Don't think his life is been taken out. He is just asleep. Getting distracted by something else will make you weak." Olivia comforted and Petra simlly respond "Thank You". The girl with orange hairclip tap Petra's right shoulder lightly. The girl with blue bandanna looked at her. "You did figure out what my brother said, right?". "I did, Jess..". "I will say good luck to you.." Jess said weakly. Something got my attention, I notice there is a very weird light blue glow. It becomes large and white blue particles started to appear. "Alex?" I called out her name. "There it is dear..The way that where you can find him.". "So, how will I cast him off away from Jesse..?". "You need to fight him. But, be careful.. Steve is not in his normal behaviour due to him and you know that. If you are fighting him..Do not stab him anywhere or it will get worse."."Is that it?" Petra questioned. "Not yet. You can only stab him when he offers to or if he is off guard." Alex answered again. "If you stab him while fighting, he can instantly kill you. So, keep that in mind" Alex added.

Petra looked at Jess again. She walk infront of her. "Jess". She handed out her golden enchanted sword. "Keep this weapon unbreak.". "H-Huh? Why are you making me keep it?" Jess got confuse. "Because, I trust your brother and you. Even you did that one wrong decision. I still trust on you." Jess held the sword firmly as a sign she was glad someone had trust her in such way. Lukas comforted Jess as she started crying. "Hey Lukas, take care of her. Got it?" Petra pleaded. "I will." He answered. Petra looked at Axel to see he is not avail to enter the 'mind portal'. "What's wrong, big guy?". "I cant get in the portal thingy.". "It's because you aren't on the mission, Axel." Alex said in a motherly tone.

Petra looked at the portal. "Here goes nothing.." she mumbled. "Hey everyone, see you later??" She doubt her sentence. She even didn't face everyone for a reason. "O-of course Petra!" Jess said. "You did not say good bye, right? So it's later.." Lukas also responded. "Just make sure you will not stab him while fighting!" Axel and Olivia reminded the advice. "I got this.." Petra said as she walked in to the portal

Chapter 11 is up! I am also working on Chapter 12. Why with title? It is a very important event and the end of the line is near. :) And also, thanks for the 3K reads! I always thought that my story sucks. I am glad that people read it! ^^

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