Chapter 3.5

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(In this Chapter, I'll just write what happened that midnight. Ya know, they're suppose to be sleeping or something..No, dont get the wrong idea! Do not worry, I am now writting the real next chapter)

Night time, where hostile mobs come to say 'trick or die', and people stays at their home. But this time, The night time isn't just a normal one. The thunderstorm is roaring loudly and the rain is like how leaves flew when windy. Mentioning the 'windy' word, it's pretty odd that it's not that strong. Yet, it's really cold as the refrigerator.

As seen in a hut, there's two human being having problems with the word 'sleep'. They are....

Jesse and Petra

"Holy Witherstorm! Is this gonna keep bothering me from my 'wonderful' sleep!?" He said in his stormy tone. "You know, making noise is more annoying than storms." Petra had said it with her natural attitude. Jesse groans as he listened to what the girl said.

"By the way, why is your bed is very soft not like the normal beds were?" Petra has fetish with soft beds (in this story) now she wanted an answer to her question.

"Well, I just put some cotton. That's a--". "HOW!?". Jesse raise an eyebrow because of Petra's actions. "You have soft bed fetish....aren't you?". "Err.." Petra looked away to Jesse, blushing as a sign of embarrassment.

"I do, you mad with it?" She finally answered. "Nope. I have something to confess, sometimes I am having the soft bed fetish thing." Jesse confessed his very long well hidden secret. What's Petra's reaction?


"Wha-?! What the heck's funny 'bout it!?". "No..*smirking*..thing!" Jesse couldn't help but to smile because he saw Petra, being happy. Due to Petra is a spy, she could see and feel Jesse is having his true smile even her eyes were close.

"Jesse, I've been waiting for your smiling face to enter!" She energetically said. Jesse scratch his head. "I couldn't help it. You're very happy." He confessed..again.

As Jesse accidentally starred at Petra's eyes, he felt faint blush across his face. Well it's not just the stare that made him blush, they are pretty close right now. More like 5 centimeters. "Uh..this gone awkward" Jesse awkwardly said. "Y-Yeah. I mean, you're too close, that's why we're--" Petra was cutted of by the storm and she instantly hugged Jesse. She kinda have a phobia to thunder.

"Oh, you have astraphobia?" He questioned. "What o-on the doctor's words is astrophobia!? A-Afraid of Astronauts!?" She misinterpreted. According to what Jesse is feeling right now, Petra's hands were really shaking.

"Heck no, astraphobia not astrophobia. It means fear of thunder. Astrophobia is fear of stars as I believe." Jesse explained calmly, hugging Petra passionately. "How on earth you knew--" another thunder roared which made Petra scream in fear. Jesse embraced the woman tightly.

"Stay calm Petra, I am here. Do not worry, nothing will kill you." Petra is crying after hearing what Jesse said. "Th-thanks Jesse. Th-there's a reason beyond this. I will say it l-later" as she said in her anxious tone.

Here it goes again, Petra starred to Jesse's green sleepy eyes. Jesse also did the same action. Yet this is now different, he had moved closer to Petra so he can perform his first kiss. Petra seems to be thinking if she's going to accept it or not. They are anxious. But, once in a clichéd time, they are interrupted by the thunder. (My friend suggested me to do that part. I give her a chance because it's her birthday today xD)

"Dang it." Jesse cursed the thunder. He noticed that Petra's eyes were close. She's already sleeping with her arms around to Jesse's back. "Wow, she instantly fell asleep". His mind spoke. "Night, Petra" he mumbled. He patted Petra's head. He is having a bit hesitation if he will kiss Petra's forehead..

At the end, he did. He did kiss the forehead of the sleeping woman...

.......But he didn't know



"Night, Jesse.....I love you.." Petra sleep talked.. Too bad, Jesse didn't hear it because he is now asleep.

From the start, I already mention that this is an extra chapter. I write my story when my mind is blank. Because when I am in my senses I cannot think. xD Hope you enjoy this one. I dont know when I will finish Chapter 4. But pls wait patiently! ^^

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