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Maya opened her eyes to see Alex.
"I heard you speak." She didn't answer. She was in a lit of pain and he could tell as her eyes filled up.
"The blow injured your trachea." Said the nurse. "But you'll be okay. Were gonna give you some pain medicine and it will eventually stop hurting. Your ankle is broken and it seems like you will need four weeks on crutches, surgery, and then another month. You also have a minot concision." She nodded.
"I know you speak." Said Alex.
"I wanna go home."
"Don't worry. You'll be discharged soon."
"I want to go to New York."
"So that's where you're from." She nodded.
Kermit and Lauren walked in.
"Cory Matthews told me to call him if something went wrong."
"Can you hold out on it?"
"There's your voice. I missed it."
"Can you?"
"Kermit, I think you can do her this favor." Said Lauren.
"Maya, these were the people that basically raised you. But if you don't want me to call them yet, I won't."
"Thank you."
When Maya returned home, she was raped yet again. She watched the younger kids to make sure it was only her but also fell silent to everyone but Alex, over the week. Many kids at school began to leave her alone and a two other girls began to sit next to her more often, accepting that she didn't speak. Kermit fell extremely concerned when she turned silent again and decided to take her on a walk to get some sun and with the hope of her speaking. Her walk was actually crutching, though.
"Getting an arm workout?" She nodded, distracted. "I saw that you ate a chicken finger last night and the school said you're doing better with lunch." Maya hated how the lunch advisors watched her like a hawk. She didn't want to eat because she felt so disgusted. Kermit's phone began to buzz.
"Cory won't leave me alone. I haven't  told him though." She nodded and kept going.

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