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"So." Said Lucas as they sat on her bed.
"Are you going to go on like this forever?" Asked Riley from the doorway. They both nodded. "You need to talk about what happened. I mean, were leaving tomorrow."
"So." Said Maya. Lucas chuckled.
"So." Now Maya chuckled.
"This is ridiculous." She said.
"You're right. Let's just forget about all of this. It was an accident." Maya nodded, looking away. Riley noticed.
"Friends?" He asked.
"Always." She said, somehow both confidently but shakily.
"So how'd you guys learn to do this?" Asked Riley as Maya finished putting the wood in the fire.
"My dad taught me." Said Alex.
"Alex taught me." She said, sitting down next to Alex on the same log. Lucas looked away. Riley noticed.
"Can we come down next year?" Asked Riley.
"Every year." Said Cory.
"A years a long time." Added Farkle. They sat in silence for another ten minutes before conversation picked up again and made the last night a happier occasion with not a word exchanged between Maya and Lucas.
Maya hadn't answered many of Lucas's calls that next two weeks.
"I don't get it. She answers you but not me." He said to Riley.
"Then use my phone." She said, passing it to him. He dialed her number.
"Why do you have that memorized?"
"I have it memorized for all of you."
"Then what's mine?"
"Ehhhh. Wrong." He pressed 'call.'
"Oh hey, Lucas."
"Why aren't you answering me?"
"Sorry. I didn't realize that I wasn't."
"Well, how's it going. How's the phycologist?"
"Sh*tty." He laughed. "It's not funny. She makes me feel like an idiot."
"How so?"
"Tells me if I had told someone, I would be in a better position."
"Have you told her why you didn't tell?"
"She didn't care. Very closed minded."
"Maybe I can pretend to be your phycologist? Tell me your problems."
"Ya no. How's life there?"
"We miss you."
"I miss you guys, too."
"But you have Alex."
"And you have Riley and Farkle. Your a group."
"But we're missing a friend."
"I have to go, Lucas."
"Wher-" beep beep beep.
"She hung up."
"You said 'friend.'" Said Riley, taking her phone back.
"Maya doesn't want to be your friend."
"That's harsh." Said Farkle.
"It's the truth. And I don't mean it like that. Maya likes you."
"No, Riley. She doesn't. She doesn't look at me like she looks at Alex."
"Because she doesn't like Alex."
"Sure she doesn't." He said, sarcastically.
"She looks at him like Riley looks at you." Said Farkle. "And after taking forever to discover that, you can't figure it out with Maya?"
"It doesn't matter. She lives in Florida."
"Distance can't conquer love." Said Riley.
"Riley, I've had it with you and you're fairytales." He said, standing up. "It doesn't matter. Love doesn't matter. If it did and love conquered all, Maya would be right here."
"You really like her."
"I'm sorry I got mad Riley. But hapily ever after happens far less then anything else. Maya's gone. And that's it."

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