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"Hi, mom."
"You can't be here. I'm not supposed to be near you."
"Then I'll go, I guess. I hope you have a nice Christmas." Christmas was in 3 days.
"Wait. What happened to you?"
"I fell from a tree."
"Oh my gosh, baby. Are you okay?"
"I'll be okay." She crutched away. And went to Topanga's where her friends would be after school. She saw Topanga sit down in one of the seats. She crutched over.
"Mrs.Matthews?" She looked up.
"Maya!" She stood up and hugged her.
"You're on crutches and you're bruised." She said, stepping back to take a look at her.
"I'm fine." She said.
"Sure you are." She said sarcastically. "Take your coat off. Maya nodded and took it off, placing in to the chair before using her crutches to hold her standing. She was wearing a knit sweater but Topanga could see the weight loss.
"Have you been eating, hun?"
"Not well." She said, quietly.
"Let me get you something."
"That's okay, Mrs.Matthews."
"You're friends went to the Library. They should be here soon. I'll get you something and be right back."
"Really, It's okay." She watched Topanga's eyes drift up and her expression change. She turned to see Cory who wrapped his arms around her, immediately.
"He's been telling me everything's okay." He said. "Clearly it's not."
"I told him not to tell you."
"Why in the world would you ever do that?" Maya shrugged her shoulders.they both looked at her slightly sullen face as she looked down, uncomfortable, which was unusual for how well she knew them.
"Hi, mom." Said Riley. "Oh my gosh. Maya." She ran and hugged her, causing Maya to fall into the chair. "Oops. Sorry."
"It's okay." She said, laughing and standing back up.
"Why are you one crutches?" Yelled Lucas.
"I kinda fell out if a tree."
"How?" Asked Farkle.
"It was dark and I slipped."
"And you only hurt your ankle?" Asked Riley.
"Well, actually, I had a minor concision and it hurts a bit to breath but nothing else." Lucas gave her a hug and they all sat down. Maya didn't speak much as they spoke about school and Lucas noticed but didn't say anything, yet.

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