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"Hi, Alex."
"Hi, sir, can I talk to you outside, please." Both Kermit and Shawn stepped outside.
"Last night, Maya's shades weren't drawn when she was in there with Michael and I did look away but he changed her and I wanted to make sure that Maya was okay with him doing that."
"Why would she be okay with that?" Asked Shawn. "I know Maya and she would never in a million years let someone change her. Did she resist?"
"I turned away but I don't think so."
Kermit called them both out.
"Michael? Did you change Maya last night?" He asked. Maya looked at Alex.
"You're a pervert." She said to him, harshly.
"I swear, I looked away."
"Then how would you have seen that?" Asked Michael. He turned back to the adults. "I don't think you have noticed but Maya and I are very close. She trusts me with these things. This was simply a brother trying to help his sister get ready for bed."
"It doesn't sound like Maya." Said Shawn.
"Then why didn't she resist?"
"Was she afraid?" Asked Alex. Maya simply shoved him he caught himself with his foot.
"Maya?" Asked Shawn.
"Simply a brother, helping his sister." She said, looking up at Michael. They all looked at her suspiciously.
"Meet you at the beach at ten?" Asked Alex. She nodded. "Can you surf?" He asked to Shawn.
"A little."
"Wanna come?"
"If you guys don't mind."
"Not at all."
"Battle for the wave, Maya?" Asked Alex, turning around. Maya shook her head and began to head towards it. Her and Shawn dove under it. After, Alex came back.
"Battle for the next wave?" She shook her head again.
"You haven't in forever."
"Cause if I push you and you fall and crack your head open on coral, It will be my fault."
"Harsh but fine, you get the next."
"I get the one say I want." Alex rolled his eyes and Shawn laughed.
"So why do you wear a cotton shirt when you surf." Asked Shawn.
"Cause she never got an actual shirt that you wear when you surf."
"You can surf in a bathing suit." He said.
"Only when it covers her stomach." Said Alex.
"Why are you answering for her?"
"Does it seem like she's going to?" He looked over at the girl who was was looking at Alex and then moved her eyes to his, moving, once again back down to the board.
"Why do you cover your stomach?"
"She was bruised when she fell out of the tree."
"That was months ago." He said, moving over to her. "You shouldn't still have bruises?" He reached for her shirt and just like she did with Alex, she moved and fell off. This time, she didn't come up for just a moment as she tried to redeem herself and Shawn dove in, grabbing her arm as they went back up, holding her to him. They were treading water as he hugged her. After a moment, she pulled away and climbed back on her board.
"Where you crying?" Asked Alex.
"I want this wave." She said as she turned around.
"And so do I." They were both able to stand up and this time, Maya pushed him and stayed up this time, falling at the end.
"You actually stayed up." Said Alex.
"You wanna go home?" Asked Shawn. Maya shook her head.
"One more thing." Said Alex. "Maya doesn't like to go home." He immediately wrapped his arms around her, stroking her wet hair.
"You don't like that he changed you. He's not good to you is he?" Maya pushed him away and almost off of his board.
"He's great to me."

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