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Maya walked into the house with her hair soaked. Kermit had given her permission to stay out later as long as it was with Alex, because he trusted him so much. He had also asked her to use the front door. She was still a half hour late.
"You're finally home." Said Kermit, standing up off of the couch that was facing the other way. There was another head but she figured it was an older sibling watching TV late at night with him, because it was dark.
"Sorry. I couldn't tell the time because we were in the water and-"
"It's fine. I thought you would be at least an hour late." She began to walk to her room.
"So you're just going to walk right past me?" She turned around and ran to the couch, hugging him and falling into his lap, a smile across her face. "Hey, kid."
"I thought you were coming tomorrow."
"I might have lied." He gave her a gentle squeeze.
"So what's going on with you?"
"Not much."
"I don't mean like that. I mean why are you skin and bones? Why do you rarely speak? Who the hell did you have sex with?" Just then, Michael walked out into the kitchen. Shawn noticed Maya shift uncomfortably and out of Shawn's hug, gently, but her hand still grasped his arm.
"Who's this?"
"Someone Maya knows."
"Didn't know you were coming home tonight, Maya." She only stared back.
"Ow." Said Shawn, putting her hand on her hand to make her stop grasping his arm so tight.
"Oh. Sorry. I-uh- sorry."
"It's okay."
"Let me help you get ready for bed." Said Michael.
"I can do that myself."
"Let me help you get ready for bed." He repeated. She nodded, knowing better then to resist. She reluctantly stood up and walked to her room with him. Shawn noticed that something was off about the exchange.
Michael closed the door behind them and turned to face Maya. Maya looked up at him, fearfully. He pulled her shirt over her head and placed it on the bed, not thinking about the curtains that where not drawn. Meanwhile, Alex had turned out the light and was about to go to sleep as he noticed the two figures. Michael untied the back of her bathing suit and removed it. Alex tried to avoid looking at her, not wanting to invade her privacy but knowing that he needed to figure out what was happening. At his distance and angle, he couldn't see the marks on her stomach too well but they were there. Maya stood with her arms hanging by her side as he pulled her shorts and underwear down and she stepped out. Alex looked away, turning back a moment later to see him putting a shirt over her head. Maybe they were just close siblings. Maybe he had began helping dress her after she was injured. Or maybe the family was like in a book he read where people still dressed teenagers like young kids. The weird thing was that he was tracing his fingers along her body. He would ask about it later. Michael finished dressing her and she laid down in her bed. He saw him bed down and then stand back up. He figured it to be a kiss on the forehead. He watched as he left the room. Maya stood back up and began to pace the tiny room, realizing her shades up. She practically jumped up and closed them.

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