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Lucas looked down at Maya who was laughing at Riley's joke as they sat at a restaurant, Maya playing with the straw in her water. She hadn't ordered anything but Lucas kept making her eat his fries. She had had four and ate them extremely slowly but it was easier then normally.
"Am I at the right place?" She turned around to see Shawn.
"Shaaaawwwwnnnyyy." Said Cory, hugging him. "You got a flight."
"I did. Hey, kid. It's been a while." He said, sitting next to her.
"It has."
"How are you?"
"Been doing pretty well, and you?"
"Worried about you. I'm really sorry, Maya." Maya looked confused. "What?"
"Why do you all say 'I'm sorry?' It's not like any of you have anything to be sorry for."
"We're sorry that it happened." Said Lucas.
"But you didn't cause it." She went back to sipping her water. After a fun night, they had to return to their hotel so that they could catch a flight the next morning. All but Shawn.
"I'll see you." Said Maya as she and Lucas hugged.
"I don't know." She said as they separated.
"I'm not going to tie you down. If you like someone else over that time, go for it."
"Nor will I. Go for it too."
"I don't see how I could."
"You say that now."
"You don't feel the same way."
"But in books and movies, they always say that and they move on."
"Are we a book or a movie?"
"So maybe it won't." He moved his hands to her waist and pulled her in as they kissed.
"I'm never going to hear the end of this. From those guys." He said, looking at the Matthews and Farkle, who immediately pretended not to be watching. "I'll see you."
"When?" She said, walking away. He watched her open the door and take one last look before walking up the stairs.
"Feeling sad?" Asked Shawn, sitting at the table as she whipped it.
"I just never thought of this. I always thought of drifting from my friends in high school but never being separated like this. I'm sure you felt the same way. Did you ever think of you and Mr.Matthews even living in a different town?"
"I really didn't know what I was doing for a while. Didn't know what I was looking for."
"So you went to the center?"
"How do you know about that?"
"I do listen to his story's."
"Well, ya. That wasn't my smartest move.
"But your friends helped you out of it."
"They did." Maya smiled a bit. He realized what she was feeling. Her friends were not there. "Alex would if that happened to you."
"Alex is moving. To Manhattan." She chuckled a bit. "Figures."
"Oh. I'm sorry. I mean, not sorry because you don't like when people say that. I never really know what to say around you anymore. Do you have any other friends around here?"
"I do. But no ones the same."
"Ya. I get that." Maya threw the wipe in the trash. "It's supposed to get better, though."
"You said a hopeful thing very unhopefuly."
"Lucas says that that only happens in story's. If that's true then how come people write story's about lies."
"Not all stories are like that. Take Romeo and Juliet."
"Ultimate tragic death?"
"Bad example. Point is, theres a lot of different stories. You don't always just get over it."
"I was afraid of that."

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