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Maya mostly studied for finals at Alex's house and Mike was getting pissed so he would wait until she got home. Maya fell asleep in the middle of her math final so he poked her with his pencil to wake her up. Finally, school ended. Finally for most people. Not Maya. The first week, she barely went home at all. One day, she got a call from her father, telling her to actually come home that night. She was at the Playground with Alex but bot a nearby one. They were about an hour bike ride away and were on the swings. She wouldn't be home soon. The set was on the sand and she loved it there so after another half hour, she and Alex finally left. Alex was staying with her for the week because his parents were in Hawaii. After a long ride back, she noticed an unknown car in her driveway. She hoped off her bike and locked it in.
"Who's car is that?" Asked Maya.
"It's a rental car. See the sticker?" She pulled out they key that she had finally gotten after so long, and entered.
"Three AM?"
"Oops." Said Alex.
"You didn't give us a curfew." Said Maya.
"You kept a lot of people up."
"Just go to bed." She nodded and walked down the hallway, stepping into her room.
"What the?" She jumped back as the light was turned on. There sat, Riley, Lucas, Farkle, Topanga, and Cory.
"I think you've reached maximum capacity a little while ago."
"That's how you say hello?" Asked Lucas. "And you are 100% right." He said, walking into the hallway. Riley gave her the biggest hug she had ever gotten from her, then to be piled by Farkle and Lucas.
"What are you doing here?"
"We were looking for somewhere to go during the summer and Auggies at sleep away camp." Said Topnaga. "And we asked their parents if they would allow us to take them off their hands."
"This hallway is busy." Said Alex. Maya introduced him to them and Lucas looked a little upset.
"So are you boyfriend and girlfriend?"
"No." They both said at the same time.
"Well, I've seen you half naked that night with Michael." Said Alex, jokingly.
"Pervert." She said, embarrassed.
"Oh, don't be so jealous." Said Riley to Lucas, making them laugh and Lucas turn a bit red as he tried to roll his eyes.
"Well, this is getting weird." Said Topanga. "So we are going to check into our hotel... At three Am. And then we'll see you tomorrow." One of the doors opened.
"Alex, you're still here." Said Michael. "And you're both back."
"Do you sleep, Michael?" Everyone turned to Maya who was standing slightly more uncomfortably.
"Do you think I can stay, tonight?" Asked Riley, aware of the exchange. She didn't look to her but continued to look at Michael who was telepathically telling her 'no.'
"Sorry, Riles. Not tonight."
Cory looked over at Michael who replaced his face with a tiny smirk.
"I guess we will see you tomorrow then." They left the hallway. Maya brushed her teeth and then went to her room and Alex to the living room. The next morning, they all arrived.
"Where is Maya."
"I checked her room. She's not here. Probably been out for hours." Said Kermit. "She doesn't spend much time here."
"I know where she might be." Said Alex. "It's a short walk." He said, stepping out. They followed him.
"So, how long have you known Maya?" Asked Lucas.
"Her first day. She didn't even speak to me until the tree incident."
"I can't picture Maya being mute." He laughed. "She's always got something to say."
"I can see that in her."
"Well, she did call you a pervert." Said Farkle.
"I think I deserved that. I swear I looked away once I realized that."
"Do you like her?" Asked Riley.
"I love her." Lucas looked down. "But as a friend. She's my best friend."
"She was mine."
"She is yours. She talks about you a lot. And we are here."

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