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"Why the hell are you grounded?" Asked Alex as they walked home.
"Because Sam caught me buying a pregnancy test." She said, quietly.
"With who?"
"Just some guy. Don't know his name."
"Really, Maya. I had more faith in you."
"Please, don't leave me." She said, with wet eyes.
"Why would I leave you? Just because you did something stupid doesn't mean I'll leave you."
"Thanks." She said, knocking on the door to her house as Alex walked to his.
Michael didn't go all of the way that night either but Maya was still worried but luckily, she was tested the next day and all of the results came back negative.
That didn't get rid of the memory and anxiety of future experiences.
The next night, there was a knock on the door and Kermit stepped in.
"It's Cory Matthews." He said, with the phone.
"You told him?" He nodded and handed her the phone.
"Hi, sir."
"Maya Penelope Hart!" Kermit left the room. "How could you have done that?" She remained silent. "You father said that you won't give a name."
"Because I don't know it."
"Oh, so you're even more crazy."
"I'm tired of being called crazy." She quietly complained, more so to herself. Cory gave her a half hour lecture on the dangers and Maya just zoned out. He ended with 'and Lucas is going to kill him.' Which made her laugh and as mad as he was, he loved that sound just like any other person, especially Lucas.
The week ended and Maya went back to being out all of the time, Alex still questioning why she never wanted to go home. The rest of the month went on like that. Maya got her phone back to find a bunch of messages from Lucas. She missed him like crazy but in a different way then the rest of her friends. She thought she got over liking him but maybe not.
April was finally there and Maya began to count the days until Shawn came at the end of the month.
One day in early April, Maya and Alex where riding their bikes together when suddenly Maya fell over and didn't move. Alex stopped and ran to her. Sam saw the two and pulled over, also running to her. Her eyes fluttered open.
"I think you passed out." Said Alex.
"So do I." She said.
"Well, I do see your full plates off food all of the time." Said Sam.
"I guess I'll have to force down a bit more." Same drove her home and forced her to sit at the table and eat a granola bar. She liked having to eat because she got food in her but she wanted to throw it up. Two more weeks passed and Shawn got off his plane.

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