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The weeks of Maya passed slowly. Maya staying out if the house 16 hours a day, at least, and beginning to fall back to where she was before when she came to the realization that this was her life now. Riley, Lucas and Farkle were far away and she wouldn't be seeing them. She was being raped more often and would have to deal with it. She curled up on her bed, wishing it was Lucas who held her and not the pillow. She was weak and tired and sick of it all. She shut her eyes. The door opened and Kermit walked in, thinking she was asleep, although she was drifting off. He put her blanket over her and sat down on the edge of her bed, speaking to her, though he didn't know that she was still half awake.
"Sometimes I just get so mad at you. When you don't eat or talk and you just get confusing. You piss everyone off. You're real good at that. It's easy to think that you're messing with us but anyone who really knows you, knows that somethings up." He whispered. "Even I do." He stood up and walked out. Maya was out cold a moment later.
The next month was also slow. Michael still hadn't gotten a job and suddenly, Maya would refuse to go home.
"Come on, Maya. What do you hate so much about home?" Said Alex as she sat against the tree, drawing.
"I just want to stay out here. You can go home."
"I'm not leaving you out here at eleven at night."
"Then don't. I don't care but I'm not going."
The next morning, Maya showed up to school with her hair in a waterfall braid, shorts, a t-shirt, and an unzipped sweater.
"Isn't that the clothes that you brought that night with you."
"Did you not even go home?" She rolled her eyes and kept walking to her history class. She walked in and took a seat. Maya was actually doing pretty well in school. All A's and B's. For some reason that Maya couldn't understand, her teacher asked her to stay when she got a test back with a C.
"What's this about, Maya."
"A C is not that bad."
"But you've never gotten a C. And this is a C-."
"I used to get D's and F's."
"What changed?"
"I study."
"Why'd you suddenly decide to start studying?"
"I used it as a distraction, I guess."
"From what?" She paused, realizing that she had just told him that so she went with her second reason.
"I missed my friends. Why exactly did I need to stay, though?"
"I wanted to make sure that you understand the material with Finals coming up. There's a review before school on Friday mornings if you struggle with it when you're studying. And I'm always here to talk to." That made Maya smile a bit.
"Thank you and I'll probably be here for the review."
"See you tomorrow."

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