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"Best Christmas yet." Said Lucas, as Maya and him sat on Riley's floor, and Farkle and Riley sat in her window, Christmas night. Maya rubbed her eyes.
"Awe. Is little Maya tired?" Said Lucas.
"Shut up." She said, hitting him with her elbow. He caught her arm, pulling her to him so her head was on his shoulder. She saw Riley smile and Farkle nudge her arm but they both stopped when she saw her confused face.
"I don't want to leave you guys."
"I don't want you to leave." Said Riley. "Please call us."
"Riley, I don't really speak down there."
"How come?"
"Originally, it was to show that I didn't want to be there."
"What about now?" Maya shrugged.
The next morning, Shawn drive her and her friends to the airport.
"Remember kid, I'll be down in April for work."
"Bye, Shawn."
She hugged Riley and Farkle. Lucas kissed her on the forehead again, which Maya really enjoyed but Shawn got mad at because he felt like a father would if they saw someone kiss there daughters forehead, though Maya didn't think he meant it like that. This time, watching Maya walk out hurt him more, because this time, he understood how he felt about her.
When Maya came back, she was raped by Michael again but she was relived that he hadn't gone all of the way so she didn't have to worry for another two weeks about pregnancy and only about STD's that she would have to tell her father if she wanted tested. After her first week back, he finally got a job and she felt slightly safer so she began to speak and come out of her room more often. Food still disgusted her but it wasn't so bad.
"No more crutches, tomorrow." Said Lauren as Maya left the house one morning.
"Yep." When she left, Lauren turned back to Kermit.
"Michael get's busy and suddenly, she starts talking."
"I don't know."
Later that day, Alex walked her home.
"So you know what we are going to start now that you're getting off crutches?"
"I am gonna teach you to surf."
"Oh boy."
"You've got nothing to worry about. You'll be great."
"Highly doubt that I will be able to stand up."

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