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"My wave." Said Lucas, the next day.
"Not so fast, huckleberry."
"Fine. We'll see who get's it." They both started swimming away from it until it caught up and they both stood. Lucas got close to Maya and pushed her off. She was laughing just before she went down, her board flipping up. They're friends watched from the beach.
"Victory!" Yelled Lucas. He made it to the end at sat back down.
"Maya?" No answer. "Maya!" He knew that her wrist was attached to her board. "Maya!" Suddenly, she came up, gasping for breath amd grabbing her board.
"Maya! Are you okay?" She nodded as she climbed back on. That's when he noticed her bloody legs. The blood was coming from under her shirt.
"Wow. What happened."
"Just a rock. I'm fine."
"Get in the sand, now, Maya."
"I'm fine."
"You're still bleeding. Get on the beach." She groaned and went, Lucas and Alex going too. The Matthews and Farkle ran to her as she sat down, pulling the velcro off from around her wrist.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Riles." Lucas ran over to her.
"Please, don't fight me." He said, looking at the blood on her legs. She carefully lifted up part of her shirt to reveal the small wound that was letting out a lot of blood. He took his shirt off and stuck it over it.
"You could have just used a bandage." She said, still in pain.
"But to get a bandage, we have to get you home." He said, helping her up. "I'll carry you."
"I'm bleeding, not dying." She stated, as they made their way to the street. When they got back, Lucas grabbed the first aid kit.
"Here's your shirt." She said, laughing and handing him his bloody shirt.
"Thanks." He said, opening the kit.
"Sorry bout that."
"Totally cool. Let me see it."
"I can clean it myself." From behind, Alex pulled her shirt over her head, leaving her in her bathing suit top. Dark red and bluish marks lined her color bones and her stomach and prominent ribs. She was grateful that she was turned away from everyone else, though they still saw the skin wrap around her ribs from the back, as well as shoulder blades. Lucas was about to yell at her when she ripped the shirt out of his hand.
"Maya!" She threw the wet shirt over her head and grabbed the first aid kit, going to the bathroom. She ignored the banging on the door as she cleaned it. Then she sat against the wall.
"Maya!" Said Lucas. "You know you have to come out at some point."
"Not necessarily."
"What's that mean?"
"It means that theres a bottle of oxycontin in here." He kicked the door hard.
"Don't you dare take any!"
"Then leave me alone."
"Don't make a split second decision like this." Lucas felt Alex tap his shoulder.
"I don't think that this is a split second decision."
"You were raped." He said through the door. He could hear really light sobs.
"Go away."  He smashed the door open.
"Hey. What's going on here?" Asked Michael, walking in. "You smashed our door.
"To make sure that your sister didn't kill herself."
"Come on, Maya. I think you need some rest. Let's go to your room and I'll settle you down." Maya stood up, taking a step against the wall. "Come on, Maya. What's wrong. Don't you love when I settle you down." She grabbed onto Lucas's arm.
"I don't think she wants that." He said, angry.
"There is clearly something wrong. She loves that." He said, taking her hand. Farkle had stepped back because he couldn't watch the exchange but the Matthews watched in horror. "Come on." Lucas wrapped his arms around her.
"That's not what she wants."
"Did you rape her?" Yelled Cory, pushing him against the wall, surprising everyone.
"No, Maya. If you say yes, goes to the police and you're safe."

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