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"-Lotte and Aria Hart in a library in New Haven Kentucky." Said the reporter as Riley switched on the TV. The group sat down. "They did not say, however, where their half sister was, only that they were supposed to return. She has not returned, possibly knowing that they have been found."
Hours later, they were still there when Lucas got a call. He picked up immediately.
"Lucas?" He scrambled to his feet as everyone turned to him.
"Where the hell are you?"
"Tell my dad not to let Michael near them."
"He know's that."
"Well, Michael tried to touch them so make it clear."
"Where are you?" He yelled.
"I can't tell you."
"How are you not found? Are you in Kentucky?"
"Lucas! Leave it alone."
"I want you here right now. We will protect you."
"You can't."
"But I will with everything I have. I wan't you here."
"They're going to find me."
"Please. Please. Trust me."
"I'll be there in the next few days."
"Okay. Thank you, Maya." She hung up.
"She's coming."
"Is she insane?" Asked Farkle.
"I suppose she thinks that if she is caught, she will be able to attempt to protect her sisters." Said Cory.
"She's not gonna get caught."
"And why are you so sure of that?"
"Cause I trust her."
The next few days passed slowly. Lucas and Farkle came everyday, including the day when there was a loud knock on Riley's window. She ran into the room and opened in. Maya climbed in.
"You're soaked." She said.
"It is raining."
"I'm not letting that ruin my hello." She squeezed her hard.
"Ow. Riley. Let go!" She stepped back.
"It's okay. I've just got some bruises."
"You really came." Said Lucas.
"Come on." Said Riley. She grabbed a T-shirt and some shorts from her dresser. "There's a towel in the bathroom."
"Thanks." She said, walking out.
"She made it here unseen." Said Farkle.
"And alive." Said Lucas

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